Import authority records

Discover how to import authority records in Connexion client.

Import authority records

Authority records you import are placed in the authority save file you specify. The client assigns the workflow status Imported.

  1. Select and/or set up the location for the file of records you want to import:
    1. Create or retrieve a file of records to import - Export bibliographic and/or authority records from OCLC software or from your local system.
    2. Move the file of records to your local drive, if needed.
  2. Log on if you plan to import records to the online save file, or if you prefer, the client will prompt you to log on when you start the import process (step 7). If you plan to import to your default local save file, you can import offline.
  3. Click File > Import Records or press <Alt><F><I>.
  4. In the Import Records dialog, specify the file location for the records you want to import - Under File Location, in the File Path box, enter the full path (drive letter, folder, and file name) for an import file on a local hard drive or network drive, or click Browse to navigate to the location.
  5. Select one of the following files to which to import records:
    1. Import to Online Save File - You must be logged on. If you are not logged on, when you start the import process (step 7), the client opens the Logon OCLC Connexion dialog so that you can log on.
    2. Import to Local Save File (logon not required) - The client displays the full path and file name of your default local bibliographic and authority save files.
      • If you want to change the default or create a new default file, click Local File Manager to open the Local File Manager dialog. See Manage local files for offline/online cataloging for more details.
      • If you import to a local file while offline, the client supplies your holding library code, institution symbol, and/or MARC organization code from the offline cataloging options you set in Tools > Options > General tab.
  6. (Optional)
    • To apply default constant data to imported authority records, click Options.
    • To select a character set, click Record Characteristics.
  7. Click OK or press <Enter> to import the records, or click Cancel to close the dialog without importing records.
  8. After importing all specified records, Connexion displays a confirmation message that gives the number of bibliographic records and the number of authority records imported. Click Yes to close the message.
  9. You receive a prompt to delete or retain the import file. Click Yes to delete the file or No to keep it.

Results of importing records

Conversion details for imported authority records

The client does the following conversions, depending on whether the record is a Library of Congress authority file record (has an ARN) or a workform.

OCLC authority record (has ARN) Non-OCLC record (workform)
  • Workflow status: Imported
  • If imported to online save file, expiration date set to 90 days.
  • ARN retained in 001.
  • Converted to workform
  • Workflow status: Imported
  • If imported to online save file, expiration date set to 90 days.
  • NEW in 001
  • Entered date (in 008/0-5) replaced with current date.
  • RecStat value (Leader/5) and EncLvl (Leader/17) set to n.
  • Retain data in 040 and 049, if present; if not, insert default institution symbol in field 040 and replace holding library code in field 049 with default

     Note: If you are online, the client supplies the institution symbol and holding library code from your logon authorization. If you are offline, the symbol and code are supplied from options in Tools > Options > General.

  • Fields 002, 003, 004, 005, 009, 010, and 035 are deleted.