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Select a character set for exported authority records

Discover how to select a character set for exported authority records in Connexion client.


  • Export records using the UTF-8 Unicode character set, or export using the MARC-8 character set. See more about MARC-8 and Unicode in Library of Congress documentation.
  • Select a character set based on the format of data your local system supports for importing records from OCLC.
  • The setting for character set applies to records you export singly or from a list, online or offline, or via batch processing.

     Note: Authority records can be exported using only the MARC 21 record standard.

Select a character set for exporting records

  1. Navigate to Tools > Options or press <Alt><T><O>.
  2. Click the Export tab.
  3. Click Record Characteristics.
  4. Under Authority Records, select one of the following in the Character Sets list:
    • MARC-8 (default)
    • UTF-8 Unicode

       Note: Follow this same procedure to select both a record standard and a character set for exported bibliographic records (see Export and Import bibliographic records). Authority records can be exported only in MARC 21.

  5. Click OK or press <Enter> to save your setting and close the dialog, or click Cancel to cancel changes. You are returned to the Export page of the Options window.

Results of character set selection

MARC-8 export Unicode export
Uses MARC-8 character set
(subset of Unicode characters approved for use in MARC 21 cataloging)
Uses UTF-8 Unicode character set
(8-bit, byte-oriented encoding form of Unicode designed for ease of use with existing ASCII-based systems–MARC- 8 is a subset)
Leader position 9 is <blank> Leader position 9 has the value a
Unicode characters that cannot be converted to MARC-8 are changed to the hex value in brackets All characters are exported, even if not included in MARC-8 characters approved for MARC-21 cataloging
If the record contains non-Latin scripts:
  • Field 066 is added automatically, indicating the presence of non-Latin script
  • Subfield 6 is included but a script identifier is not
If the record contains non-Latin scripts:
  • No field 066 is added
  • A script identifier is included