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OCLC Support

Export authority records immediately

Discover how to export authority records immediately in Connexion client.
  1. Display the record you want to export.
    Select records in a list.
    • To select adjacent records, click to highlight the first entry, and then press and hold <Shift> and click the last entry.
    • To select nonadjacent entries, click to highlight the first entry, and then press <Ctrl> and click to highlight each additional entry.
  2. Click Action > Export, click the Export button (Export button), or press <F5>.
  3. Continue exporting more records if needed. If exporting to a file, the client appends exported records to any records already in the export file. You can mix bibliographic and authority records in the same file.
    • The client exports the record immediately to the destination you created and selected.
      If you export to a file and selected the option File:(Prompt for filename), after your first export per session, the client prompts you to locate or enter the file, and then exports the record.
    • If exporting to a file that already exists, the first time during a session that you export record(s), the client asks if you want to overwrite, append, or cancel the export and use another file.

      For the remainder of your current logon session and until you close the client and reopen it, any time you export, the client automatically appends records to any records already in the export file (on the assumption that you are building a file of exported records).
    • The record's Export status changes to C (completed) or F (failed).