Validation errors
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Errors detected during online or offline validation
Online validation checks
- Valid fixed-field values, tags, indicators, and subfields, as defined in OCLC-MARC records and Bibliographic Formats and Standards.
- Valid combinations of fixed-field values, tags, indicators, and subfields.
- Repeatability and nonrepeatability of tags and subfields.
- Valid number of characters in fields and records. The number of characters in a field cannot exceed 9,999. The number of characters in a record cannot exceed 99,999.
Note: These size limits are defined by MARC21 standards. Valid characters are defined in OCLC- MARC Records. - Valid structure in some non-textual variable fields, for example, 006, 010, 020, 022, 030, and 040.
- Valid non-Latin script characters, if present.
Alternative: To check the validity of characters alone, separately from validating records, use Edit > MARC-8 Characters > Verify. For details, see Verify MARC-8 characters.
Offline validation checks
- Same checks of record format and content as for online validation.
- However, because you are not logged on, cannot verify specific actions on records that are defined by your authorization, such as edits to a record that are restricted to a particular cataloging level (for example, CONSER level upgrades) and Replace capabilities.
- Records may pass offline validation, but the final actions you take may fail.
Note: An Internet connection is required to validate records offline.
Expanded editing capabilities: No validation errors
As a result of system changes in mid-2005, the following activities no longer produce error messages:
- Adding call numbers and headings - You can add a call number or subject heading(s) to a WorldCat record, regardless of your library’s profile, as long as that call number or subject heading scheme is not already present in the record (e.g., If you are profiled to add LC subject headings only, you can also add NLM subject headings as long there are no NLM subject headings present in the record.).
- Editing unlocked records - If you edit an unlocked record and plan to replace it, you no longer receive a validation error message on an element that you are authorized to add, change or delete (e.g., If you have a CONSER or National Enhance authorization, you can now add, change or delete field 042 and validate without receiving a validation error on the record.).