Validate authority record(s) manually by command
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Discover how to validate records manually by command in Connexion client.
Use the Validate command as a separate step to validate a record or records selected in an online or local save file list when you are either logged on or offline:
- Click Edit > Validate, click the Validate button (
), or press <Shift><F5>. See Errors detected during online or offline validation for a list of validation checks.
- The Validate status is shown in the status bar of the record or in the Validate column for selected entries in a list (C = Completed, F = Failed).
- For a valid displayed record (status C), the system redisplays the record.
- For an invalid record (status F), the Validation Error Messages window opens to report the type(s) of error and the fixed field element(s) or variable field(s) that are invalid.
Examples:- 130 occurs too many times (field 130, occurrence 2)
- For records selected in a list, the Validation Results window lists results for all records by each record's save file number and by which file the record is in, the local or online save file.
- Online #52
130 occurs too many times (field 130, occurrence 2)- View or print the Validation Results list, fix the errors, and validate the records again. To print, click Print.
- Correct any errors and retry validation. To toggle between the list of validation error messages and the open bibliographic record, press <Ctrl><Tab> or <Ctrl><F6>.
- You must have an Internet connection on your workstation. The client uses the Internet during its internal process.
- Validating a record disables the Undo command.
- Validation level options you select in Tools > Options > General (click Validation Level Options) apply only to automatic system validation. The options do not apply when you validate records manually using Edit > Validate.