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Discover details about character set and font in Connexion client.
The Connexion client default font is Ariel Unicode MS, a Unicode-compliant font, if this font is installed on your workstation. Arial Unicode MS is likely to be installed, since it is included with many Microsoft applications such as Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP, etc.
If you do not use Arial Unicode MS in the client, select another Unicode-compliant font for best results when viewing and inserting diacritics and special characters in records, lists, and labels.
WorldCat and the LC authority file support the standard character set adopted by the American Library Association (ALA). It is a character set widely used by libraries cataloging materials in Latin- based/influenced languages.
The ALA character set allows the representation of diacritics and characters (primarily the Roman alphabet and some special characters) commonly used in Latin-based/influenced languages and materials in Latin-based/influenced languages.
For printing labels, OCLC recommends selecting the ALA BT Courier font as the default (Tools > Options > Fonts). The font is supplied when you install the client. It includes the ALA character set for displaying and printing diacritics and special characters.
View font selections or select a font in Tools > Options > Fonts tab.
Insert diacritics and special characters in:
Searches (WorldCat search or browse, LC authority file search or browse, online bibliographic save file search, constant data search)