Keystroke shortcuts
Find more information about keystroke shortcuts for diacritics and special characters in Connexion client.
The following table shows default keystrokes for entering diacritics and special characters.
Character | Default Keystroke Shortcut |
Acute | <Ctrl><Alt><B> |
ae, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><5> |
AE, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><5> |
Alif | <Ctrl<Alt< . > (period/decimal point) |
Ayn | <Ctrl><Alt><0> (zero) |
Breve | <Ctrl><Alt><F> |
British Pound | <Ctrl><Alt><9> |
Candrabindu | <Ctrl><Alt><O> (letter o) |
Cedilla | <Ctrl><Alt><P> |
Circle above letter | <Ctrl><Alt><J> |
Circle below letter | <Ctrl><Alt><T> |
Circumflex, non-spacing | <Shift><6> |
d with crossbar, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><3> |
D with crossbar, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><3> |
Delimiter | (See subfield delimiter) |
Dot below letter | <Ctrl><Alt><R> |
Dot in center of line | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><9> |
Double acute | <Ctrl><Alt><N> |
Double dot below letter | <Ctrl><Alt><S> |
Double tilde (left half) | <Ctrl><Alt><Z> |
Double tilde (right half) | <Ctrl><Alt><[> (open bracket) |
Double underscore | <Ctrl><Alt><U> |
Eth, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><;> (semicolon) |
Eth, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><3> (same as D with crossbar, uppercase) |
Grave, non-spacing | <`> |
Hacek | <Ctrl><Alt><I> |
High comma, centered | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><6> |
High comma, off-center | <Ctrl><Alt><M> |
Inverted cedilla | <Ctrl><Alt><X> |
l with slash, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><1> (one) |
L with slash, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><1> (one) |
Left hook | <Ctrl><Alt><W> |
Ligature (left half) | <Ctrl><Alt><K> |
Ligature (right half) | <Ctrl><Alt><L> |
Macron | <Ctrl><Alt><E> |
Miagkii znak | <Ctrl><Alt><"> (quotation marks) |
Musical flat | <Ctrl><Alt><0> (zero) |
o with hook, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><,> (comma) |
O with hook, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><,> (comma) |
o with slash, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><2> |
O with slash, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><"> (quotation marks) |
oe, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><6> |
OE, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><7> |
Plus/minus | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><+> (plus sign) |
Pseudo question mark | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><2> |
Right hook | <Ctrl><Alt><Q> |
Script l | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><.> (period/decimal point) |
Subfield delimiter | <Ctrl><D> |
Subscript 0 | <Alt><0> (zero) |
Subscript 1 | <Alt><1> |
Subscript 2 | <Alt><2> |
Subscript 3 | <Alt><3> |
Subscript 4 | <Alt><4> |
Subscript 5 | <Alt><5> |
Subscript 6 | <Alt><6> |
Subscript 7 | <Alt><7> |
Subscript 8 | <Alt><8> |
Subscript 9 | <Alt><9> |
Subscript left parenthesis | <Alt><[> (open bracket) |
Subscript minus | <Alt><-> (minus sign) |
Subscript plus | <Alt><+> (plus sign) |
Subscript right parenthesis | <Alt><]> (close bracket) |
Superior dot | <Ctrl><Alt><G> |
Superscript 0 | <Alt><Shift><0> (zero) |
Superscript 1 | <Alt><Shift><1> |
Superscript 2 | <Alt><Shift><2> |
Superscript 3 | <Alt><Shift><3> |
Superscript 4 | <Alt><Shift><4> |
Superscript 5 | <Alt><Shift><5> |
Superscript 6 | <Alt><Shift><6> |
Superscript 7 | <Alt><Shift><7> |
Superscript 8 | <Alt><Shift><8> |
Superscript 9 | <Alt><Shift><9> |
Superscript left parenthesis | <Alt><Shift><[> (open bracket) |
Superscript minus | <Alt><Shift><-> (minus sign) |
Superscript plus | <Alt><Shift><+> (plus sign) |
Superscript right parenthesis | <Alt><Shift><]> (close bracket) |
Thorn, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><4> |
Thorn, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><4> |
Tilde, non-spacing | Use the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters dialog to enter, or custom-map a keystroke to enter |
Tilde, spacing (use in URLs) | <~> (tilde) |
Turkish i without dot, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><8> |
Tverdyi znak | <Ctrl><Alt><7> |
u with hook, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><-> (minus sign) |
Superscript 5 | <Alt><Shift><5> |
Superscript 6 | <Alt><Shift><6> |
Superscript 7 | <Alt><Shift><7> |
Superscript 8 | <Alt><Shift><8> |
Superscript 9 | <Alt><Shift><9> |
Superscript left parenthesis | <Alt><Shift><[> (open bracket) |
Superscript minus | <Alt><Shift><-> (minus sign) |
Superscript plus | <Alt><Shift><+> (plus sign) |
Superscript right parenthesis | <Alt><Shift><]> (close bracket) |
Thorn, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><4> |
Thorn, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><Shift><4> |
Tilde, non-spacing | Use the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters dialog to enter, or custom-map a keystroke to enter |
Tilde, spacing (use in URLs) | <~> (tilde) |
Turkish i without dot, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><8> |
Tverdyi znak | <Ctrl><Alt><7> |
u with hook, lowercase | <Ctrl><Alt><-> (minus sign) |
u with hook, uppercase | <Ctrl><Alt><+> (plus sign) |
Umlaut | <Ctrl><Alt><H> |
Underscore, non-spacing | <_> (underscore) |
Underscore, spacing (use in URLs) | Use the Enter Diacritics and Special Characters dialog to enter, or custom-map a keystroke to enter |
Upadhmaniya | <Ctrl><Alt><Y> |