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Add record to the LC authority file, save to online or local file, or submit for peer review

Discover how to add record to the LC authority file, save to online or local file, or submit for peer review in Connexion client.

After creating a record, NACO participants can add it to the LC authority file, or you (NACO or non-NACO catalogers) can save it for further editing or for peer review.

To add a record to the LC authority file:

  1. To prevent duplicate records, search the LC authority file again, immediately before adding a record, to verify that no one has added a record for the item since you began cataloging it.
  2. If no record exists, validate and then add the record to the LC authority file: Navigate to Action >Add to Authority File or press <Ctrl><Alt><A>.

 Note: If you click the Add to Authority File command for a record from the local save file while you are offline, the record is marked R (Ready) for batch processing.

To save a record you create:

  • Navigate to Action > Save Record to Online File or press <Ctrl><Alt><V>.
  • Navigate to Action > Save Record to Local File or press <F4>.

 Caution: If you are online and log off without saving the new record or adding it to the LC authority file, your record is lost.

In the following situations, submit new authority records for review before adding to the LC authority file:

  • You are a newly authorized NACO participant required to do so.
  • Although not required to submit for review, you have a question about a name authority record you created.

See Edit authority records and Exchange records for peer review for more information.