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Authority workform mapped fields

Discover how fields are mapped to a workform when you run the GenerateAuthorityRecord macro in Connexion client.

Fields mapped to workform

When you run the GenerateAuthorityRecord macro to create an authority workform based on a name heading in a bibliographic record, the selected heading field is mapped to the authority workform as shown in the following table, subject to modifications which are listed following the table:

Bibliographic heading field Resulting authority heading field
100, 600, 700, 800 100
110, 610, 710, 810 (except if the first indicator is 1 and only subfield ‡a is present)* 110
111, 611, 711, 811 111
130, 440, 630, 730, 830** 130
110, 610, 710 (if the first indicator is 1 and only subfield ‡a is present) 151
651 151
240 (with a corresponding 1xx field) 1xx

* In this case, the field is mapped to field 151, and the first indicator is set to blank.

** Indicators are ignored for fields 130, 630, 730, and 830, since uniform titles should not contain nonfiling indicators other than 0.

Modifications to mapped fields in the workform

  • The completed authority workform retains heading text and subfield codes from the bibliographic record. The workform also retains first indicators, with the exceptions noted above.
  • For all selected headings, any occurrences of subfields ‡4, ‡e, ‡o, or ‡u are deleted.
  • If 111, 611, or 711 is selected, contains subfield ‡n, and does not contain subfield ‡t, subfield ‡n and all successive subfields are deleted.
  • If 240 is selected, based on the assumption that a corresponding 1xx field is also in the bibliographic record, the text of field 240 subfield ‡a is appended to the corresponding 1xx heading as subfield ‡t followed by any successive field 240 subfields.
  • If 440 is selected and contains an initial article (that is, the second indicator is a value other than 0) the initial characters are removed based on the indicator value, and the first character of the remaining heading is made uppercase.
  • If 440 is selected and contains subfield ‡x, subfield ‡x is deleted.
  • If 440, 800, 810, 811, or 830 is selected and contains subfield ‡v, subfield ‡v is deleted.
  • If 600, 610, 611, 630, or 651 is selected, only the name, name-title, or uniform title portions of the 6xx field are retained. Subfields ‡v, ‡x, ‡y, or ‡z are deleted.
  • When unnecessary subfields are deleted, any succeeding punctuation in the remaining heading is also removed. A period is retained if the final character of the heading is an initial or is one of the following abbreviations:
    Abt. Bro. Cia. Corp. Inc.
    afd. Bros. Cie. Dept. Ltd.
    avd. cent. Co. etc.