Create a record from a workform
Discover how to create an authority record from a workform in Connexion client.
When to use a name authority workform
Use a workform if you:
- Are a NACO participant.
- Have searched the LC authority file thoroughly and find that:
- No authority record exists for the heading you want to use.
- No authority record exists for a related or similar heading.
- The heading is not used in a bibliographic record that meets NACO criteria for a source record.
Create a record from a workform
The client provides workforms for MARC record formats to use as a template for creating an original authority record. You can open a workform while you are logged on or offline.
- Navigate to Authorities > Create > Single Record > Blank Record or press <Ctrl><Shift><K>.
- If you are offline and have not defined a MARC organization code, the client gives you a message that you must define a code.
- Click OK. The client opens the Tools > Options > General tab automatically.
- Under Offline Cataloging, enter your code in the MARC Organization Code field.
- A generic workform opens. This workform does not supply a valid fixed field for any authority record type.
- The client supplies field 040 data from the MARC organization code associated with your logon authorization if you are online or the from code you supplied in Tools > Options > General if you are offline and includes eng in subfield b (e.g., 040 OCoLC b eng c OCoLC).
- NEW appears in the ARN field. The record is assigned an ARN only when you add the record to the LC authority file (NACO-affiliated libraries).
Navigate to Authorities > Create > Single Record > [authority record type]. On the submenu, select one of the following types:- Conference Name
- Corporate Name
- Geographics
- Personal Name
- Series
- Uniform Title
Same as when you use the Blank Record workform, except that the workform opens with fixed-field data automatically supplied that is valid for the workform type you selected. - If you are offline and have not defined a MARC organization code, the client gives you a message that you must define a code.
- Complete the record by adding data. If helpful, you can:
- When you are finished working on the record:
- To prevent duplicate records: Search the LC authority file to be sure a record has not been added since you started work on it and then add the new record to the LC authority file
- Save the record to the online or local file to work on later.
Submit the record for peer review.