07. Field M08E – Music - Main/master level
General remark for import
When the positions 18-28 are all blanks, this data is not imported.
Positions 29-34 are always treated according to the following specifications.
For more MARC 21 documentation:
- Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/bd008m.html
- OCLC, WorldCat https://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/fixedfield.html
Character | Description | CBS MARC tag/sbf. | PICA+ tag/sbf. | Import, online cataloguing and MARC 21 export |
Music | M08E | 014E | ||
18-19 | Form of composition | $a | $a |
In WorldCat, the value uu – Unknown - is considered as a default for scores and sound recordings (March 2021). In WorldCat, the value blank blank - No information supplied exists. It is no official Loc MARC code! When the value is blank blank, it is ignored. This is because blanks are no official Loc MARC values. This field is generated when position 06 - Type of record - of the Leader is equal to c - Notated music -, d - Manuscript notated music -, i - Nonmusical sound recording - or j - Musical sound recording -.
The value can be added or updated.
20 | Format of music | $b | $b |
In WorldCat, the value n - Not applicable – is considered as a default for sound recordings; the value u - Unknown - is considered as a default for scores (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
21 | Music parts | $c | $c |
In WorldCat, the value n - Not applicable – is considered as a default for sound recordings; the value blank - No parts in hand or not specified - is considered as a default for scores (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
22 | Target audience | $d | $d |
In WorldCat, the value blank - Unknown or not specified - is considered as a default for different types of material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
23 | Form of item | $e | $e |
In WorldCat, the value blank - None of the following - is considered as a default for different types of material, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
24-29 | Accompanying matter | $f | $f |
In WorldCat, the value blank blank blank blank blank blank - No accompanying matter - is considered as a default for sound recordings and scores (March 2021).
The values can be added or updated. Subfield $f is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $f is present, it must occur 6 times.
30-31 | Literary text for sound recordings | $g | $g |
In WorldCat, the values blank blank - Item is a music sound recording - are considered as a default for sound recordings; the values n blank - Not applicable - are considered as a default for scores, and the value | - No attempt to code - is not allowed (March 2021).
The values can be added or updated. Subfield $g is repeatable and contains one value. When one subfield $g is present, it must occur 2 times.
32 | Undefined | $h | $h |
The value is not put in subfield $h. Thus, it is ignored.
The value is not added.
The value | - No attempt to code - is generated.
The value | - No attempt to code - is generated. |
33 | Transposition and arrangement | $i | $i |
In WorldCat, the value n – Not applicable - is considered as a default for sound recordings; the value blank - Not arrangement or transposition or not specified - is considered as a default for scores (March 2021).
The value can be added or updated.
34 | Undefined | $j | $j |
The value is not put in subfield $j. Thus, it is ignored.
The value is not added.
The value | - No attempt to code - is generated.
The value | - No attempt to code - is generated. |
Next fields have the same structure:
M06C | 012C | Notated music | 00 = c | Music |
M06D | 012D | Manuscript notated music | 00 = d | Music |
M06I | 012I | Nonmusical sound recording | 00 = i | Music |
M06J | 012J | Musical sound recording | 00 = j | Music |