Design toolbox: Data Access tab

Learn about the actions available from the Data Access tab in WorldShare Report Designer.

The Data Access tab consists of the following subtabs:

Data Access tab
Custom report data access tab

 Note: If a button is greyed out, it is not available for use.

Data Providers subtab

This subtab allows you to select a new data provider, edit an existing query, purge the data of a current query, and refresh the current queries. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Edit Data Provider Data providers subtab edit data provider button Allows you to edit the data provider.
Purge Data providers subtab purge button Allows you to purge the data returned by an existing data provider(s).
Refresh Data providers subtab refresh button Allows you to refresh one or all data providers.

Tools subtab

This subtab allows you to change the source of your data. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Change Source Tools subtab change source button Allows you to change the data source.

Data Objects subtab

This subtab allows you to create new variables or merge existing dimensions. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
New Variable Data objects subtab new variable button Allows you to create a new variable based on available objects.
Assign Reference Data objects subtab assign reference button Allows you to create a new reference or reassign an existing reference.
Merge Data objects subtab merge button Allows you to merge dimensions based on available objects.