Design toolbox: Formatting tab

Learn about the actions available from the Format tab in WorldShare Report Designer.

The Formatting tab consists of the following subtabs:

Formatting tab
Custom report formatting tab

 Note: If a button is greyed out, it is not available for use.

Font subtab

This subtab allows you to select from the True Type fonts available for use in a report. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Font name Font subtab font name button Allows you to pick a new font for the report text.
Font size Font subtab font size button Allows you to change the size of the report text.
Grow font Font subtab grow font button Allows you to increase the font size.
Shrink font Font subtab shrink font button Allows you to decrease the font size.

Border subtab

This subtab allows you to select the number of sides, color, and size of the border of each cell in a report. Click any cell in the report to activate the Border subtab. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Borders Border subtab borders button Changes the border style on the selected element.
Borders color Border subtab borders color button Changes the border color on the selected element.

Cell subtab

This subtab allows you to merge or clear cells. Click any cell in the report to activate the Cell subtab. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Merge cells Cell subtab merge cells button Merges or unmerges selected cells.
Clear Cell subtab clear button Clears the content and condition formatting from cells.

Style subtab

This subtab allows you to accent the characters in a report to bold, italicized, underlined, or strikethrough. It also allows users to select the text color, fill color, and to insert a background color or image for a report. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Bold Style subtab bold button Bolds the selected text.
Italic Style subtab italic button Italicizes the selected text.
Underline Style subtab underline button Underlines the selected text.
Strikethrough Style subtab strikethrough button Draws a line through the middle of the selected text.
Text color Style subtab text color button Changes the text color on the selected element.
Background color Style subtab background color button Changes the background color on the selected element.
Background image Style subtab background image button Sets a background image.

Numbers subtab

This subtab allows you to format numbers as currency or percentages. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Currency Numbers subtab currency button Applies a currency format.
Percentage Numbers subtab percentage button Applies a percentage format.
Number format Numbers subtab number format button Allows you to choose from a set of predefined formats or use the dialog box to choose.

Alignment subtab

This subtab allows you to align text to the right, left, or center as well as place text in the middle, top, or bottom of a cell. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Align left Alignment subtab align left button Aligns your text with the left margin.
Align center Alignment subtab align center button Centers your text on the screen.
Align right Alignment subtab align right button Aligns your text with the right margin.
Align top Alignment subtab align top button Aligns text with the top of the cell.
Align center Alignment subtab align center button Aligns text with the center of the cell.
Align bottom Alignment subtab align bottom button Aligns text with the bottom of the cell.
Wrap text Alignment subtab wrap text button Wraps extra-long text into multiple lines.

Size subtab

This subtab allows you to assign a width and height to a selected cell, row, column, or table. Click anywhere in the report panel to activate the Size subtab. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Specify a minimum width for selected cells. Size subtab specify minimum cell width button Allows you to specify a minimum width for the selected cells.
Specify a minimum height for the selected cells. Size subtab specify minimum cell height button Allows you to specify a minimum height for the selected cells.

Padding subtab

This subtab allows you to assign padding from the ends and top/bottom of the border of a selected cell, row, column, or table. Click anywhere in the reports panel to activate the Padding subtab. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Padding horizontal field Padding subtab padding horizontal field button Allows you to specify the padding for a horizontal field.
Padding vertical field Padding subtab padding vertical field button Allows you to specify the padding for a vertical field.

Tools subtab

This subtab allows you to assign formatting to multiple places, display selected formatting options, and clear selected formatting options. The table below lists the options available on this subtab.

Item Button Description
Format painter Tools subtab format painter button Double-click this button to apply the same formatting to multiple places in the document.
Formatting Tools subtab formatting button Displays formatting options for the selected report element.
Clear format Tools subtab clear format button Resets to default format, including all child items.