Can I run a report of Local Holdings Records and barcodes?

Applies to

This is only for those who have Report Designer as part of their subscription to WMS. You can tell if you have this asset, as you will see Report Launch Pad when you select Reports under the Analytics tab.

This report can be used in several ways by adjusting the query filters and result objects.


  1. Select Analytics > Reports > Report Launch pad.
  2. Select Application > Web Intelligence at top of screen.
  3. Select the New icon from the tool bar.
  4. Select Universe > Ok > LHR Item detail > OK.
  5. Open Title folder > select OCLC number > drag into the Results Object box.
  6. Select Title and drag into the Results Object box
  7. Select Author name  and it drag into the Results Object box
  8. Select LHR Item details folder  > LHR Item barcode.
  9. Select LHR Item details folder  > select LHR Item call number  and drag into the Results Object box ,in the order you want them to appear.
  10. Select LHR Item details folder  > LHR Item Permanent Shelving Location
  11. Select LHR Item details folder  > LHR Item Branch Name
  12. Select >  Run query to see preview of results /select refresh if you alter the report objects  or query filter settings
  13. Then  select Save as >  LHR location with barcode > in your  web intelligence folder for your branch.
  14. You can then export this Report to excel or a PDF if you wish.
Additional information

These details can also be found in the Circulation Inventory Report

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