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Display Terms of Use in WorldCat Discovery

Learn how to display Terms of Use in WorldCat DIscovery using the Terms of Use Display Template in WorldShare License Manager.

About Terms of Use in License Manager and WorldCat Discovery

Display your terms of use for your collection and title licenses in WorldCat Discovery. These terms of use and their values are translated into the language of the end-user.  

To take advantage of these features, you may need to re-apply the Terms of Use Template in WorldShare License Manager. The data displayed in Discovery is not coming from the Collection Notes field in Collection Manager but from License Manager directly.    

 Caution: If you have ever displayed your terms of use in Discovery previously using WorldShare Collection Manager, you will need to delete the terms of use that were previously inserted as Terms of Use directly in the collection-level or title-level settings. Refer to Remove collection notes for more information. If you have applied the terms of use (previously called Terms of Use) template in the past and do not use this remove function, your terms of use could display twice to users in WorldCat Discovery.  

License Manager gives you the option to create a template to manage collection-level and title-level terms of use in an automated way. Use the instructions on this page to complete the process to create a template to manage terms of use. Once you apply the template to your collections, the actual display of the Terms of Use depends on the content of each license. You can edit the template to maintain notes across your licenses and collections.

Create and use Template for Terms of Use Display

Create a template for how your Terms of Use will be displayed. Actual display depends on the content of each license. This template only applies to your selected collections.

  1. Expand Licenses and click Terms of Use Display.
  2. From the Terms of Use Display Template, select Update Terms of Use > Apply Template.
  3. Click Update in the resulting dialog screen after reading the warning message. 
  4. The Create Template for Terms of Use Display for Resources wizard appears.
    1. Step 1:
      1. Select the Terms of Use that you want to display in Discovery.
      2. Determine whether to include additional Details and add the text to the box if so. 
      3. Click Continue.
    2. Step 2:
      1. If desired, change the display order of the Terms of Use using the arrows.
      2. Click Continue 
    3. Step 3:
      1. Select whether to Update Terms of Use In Discovery for all resources in License Manager or Update only resources not previously updated.
        • It is recommended that you update the terms for all resources to make sure that the terms of use were applied since the last update. This is required to show translated terms of use in Discovery.
        • If you have ever applied a template in the past, it is also recommended that you select Remove Collection Note(s).
          •  Caution: This will erase any customizations you have made to notes in Collection Manager. If you have applied a template in the past, this will have inserted terms of use text into the Collection Notes field in Collection Manager. If you have adjusted this text afterward, the additional information will be deleted along with the terms of use in the notes field. Before applying the template, review your Collection Manager notes and extract any additional text you may want to re-apply after removing the Collection Manager notes.

            • If you do not instruct License Manager to Remove collection note(s), your terms of use may display twice in Discovery.
      2. Click Preview when done. 
    4. Step 4:
      1. Preview the text that will be displayed. 
        • This only displays the terms of use that will be displayed in the order they will be displayed.  It does not contain the formatting or translations that will appear in Discovery. 
      2. When the preview looks acceptable, select Apply Changes.
  5. Changes will be applied. The following occurs:
    1. For every collection that is on a license, any terms of use activated in the template for that license (along with their corresponding value) will appear in Discovery for titles and resources belonging to that collection.
    2. If you did not select Remove collection note(s), the license terms of use may display twice in Discovery, once in translated form and once not.  However, if you did select Remove collection note(s), the terms of use display once.
      •  Note: If you did select Remove collection note(s), re-enter any custom text into the collection notes fields for applicable collections in Collection Manager.

Remove collection note(s) 

Remove existing collection note(s) in Collection Manager for all licensed collections. This prevents Discovery from displaying your terms of use twice, once from License Manager and once from collection notes in Collection Manager. 

 Note:  Selecting this option will delete any custom text that is contained in these collection notes. Use this feature with caution and/or capture this custom text before removing the collection note(s). 

If desired, you can show custom text from the Collection Notes in Collection Manager, so this information is also displayed alongside the terms of use from License Manager.  If you have already used License Manager to insert terms of use text into the collection notes, these plain-text terms of use from Collection Manager will display alongside the translated terms of use from License Manager. 

To have the terms of use display only once, remove the collection notes from Collection Manager before, during, or after displaying the terms of use from License Manager.  

To remove collection note(s) using WorldShare License Manager:

  1. Review your current collection note(s) and capture any custom text you may want to save and re-enter later.
  2. To remove collection note(s) before or after applying the terms of use template, expand the Licenses section.
  3. Select Terms of Use Display in the left-hand menu.
  4. Click Update Terms of Use and select Delete Collection Note(s).
  5. After reading the warning, click Delete to confirm deletion of all collection notes for existing licensed collections. 
    • This will delete any custom text you have entered for these collections as well
  6. The collection notes are deleted for all licensed collections.
  7. To delete/remove collection notes as part of the process for applying the Terms of Use Template, then follow the instructions to Create Template for Terms of Use Display.

Terms of Use Display Template screen

After you create a template, you will see the following three accordions.

Terms of Use Template

The Terms of Use Template accordion displays the most recent template created and applied to your licenses.

Content Affected by Template

The Content Affected by Template accordion displays the most recent edits applied to your licensed collections and titles.

From the Select content type drop-down, select Titles or Collections

About columns in Content Affected by Template - Table
Column name Description Notes
Titles Displaying Terms of Use

From the Titles selection:

Click the collection link in the column to be taken to the collection to manually edit collection details. 

This column can be sorted (A to Z; Z to A)
Collections Displaying Terms of Use Click a collection to be taken to the collection to manually edit collection details. This column can be sorted (A to Z; Z to A)
License Click View license to view the license where the indicated collection is associated.  
Terms of Use Display Template Update Click View Terms of Use Display to view the terms of use applied to a given collection. License Manager analyzes each license and only appends the terms of use in play for a given license. The descriptive text is applied to all collections.

Content Not Affected by Template

The Content Not Affected by Template accordion displays collections or titles that were not affected by the most recent template write action. 

From the Select content type drop-down, select Titles or Collections

Collections or Titles in More Than One License tab

The Collections in More Than One License tab and the Titles in More Than One License tab display those collections or titles where a single license could not be found. You will need to assign notes to whichever license takes precedence.

  1. Click View license.
  2. Locate a license to which you want to apply terms of use and click its License Name .
  3. Expand the Collections or Titles accordion.
  4. Select the collection(s) or title(s) to which you would like to replace the current terms of use with the terms of use template and click Change Terms of Use.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for other licenses within a collection or title that you would like to review.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for other licenses in the Collections or Titles in More Than One License tab.

These collections do not display terms of use from the template you created because the collections appear in more than one license. Ensure that collections are attached to only one license.

About columns in Collections or Titles in More than One License - Table
Column name Description Notes
Titles in More Than One License Click a collection to be taken to the License Manager interface where you can manually edit title details. This column can be sorted (A to Z; Z to A)
Collections In More Than One License Click a collection to be taken to the License Manager interface where you can manually edit collection details. This column can be sorted (A to Z; Z to A)
License Click View license to view all licenses that contain the indicated collection. You can then apply the template from that one license, thereby assuring the collection has the proper term notes.  
Existing Terms of Use Content Click View terms of use text to view the terms of use applied to a given collection. License Manager analyzes each license and only appends the terms of use in play for a given license.

Contents With Existing Notes tab

The Contents With Existing Notes tab displays collections or titles that were not affected by the template because the content has existing Terms of Use. You will need to determine whether you want to retain existing content or overwrite the existing content with the proposed content.

  1. Click View Terms of Use text to view the terms of use currently applied to a given collection or title.
  2. Click View template text to view the proposed terms of use for a given collection or title.
  3. Select the collection(s) or title(s) where the proposed content is preferred to the existing content and then click Overwrite with Template Content.
  4. Click Overwrite in the Overwrite with Template Content dialog to confirm.

 Note:  These collections do not display terms of use from the template you created because they have existing content in the collection-level public notes. If you choose to override the terms of use using the template content, the existing public notes will be replaced. It cannot be undone.

About columns in Contents With Existing Notes tab - Table
Column name Description Notes
Title Names Click a collection to be taken to the collection to manually edit title details. This column can be sorted (A to Z; Z to A)
Collections Names Click a collection to be taken to the collection to manually edit collection details. This column can be sorted (A to Z; Z to A)
License Click View license to view all licenses that contain the indicated collection or title. You can then apply the template from that one license, thereby assuring the collection or title has the proper terms of use.  
Existing Terms of Use Content Click View terms of use text to view the terms of use applied to a given collection or title. License Manager analyzes each license and only appends the terms of use in play for a given license. The descriptive text is applied to all collections.
Proposed Template Content Click View template text to view the proposed terms of use for a given collection or title. If the proposed text is preferred to the existing text, select the row(s) you want to overwrite and then click Overwrite with Template Content.

Maintain Terms of Use

Edit Terms of Use across collections or titles

  1. Expand Licenses and click Terms of Use Display.
  2. Follow the steps and information for Create and use Template for Terms of Use Display.
  3. License Manager will begin analyzing all your licenses and their associated collections or titles. The criteria used will be whether the license is currently active and also whether the collection or title found is on only a single license or multiple licenses. The Terms of Use Display Template screen displays one of the following statuses:
     Note: Click Refresh to update the status.
    1. Processing resources: Results will be available momentarily.
      • Optional. Use the Cancel button to cancel an update that was submitted by mistake or took too long due to a large dataset. 

         Note: The cancellation will not reverse any note updates applied to collections or titles during the load time prior to cancellation.

    2. Processed with errors: A partial update was applied due to a processing error. The counts of updated collections and titles are displayed. Use the Apply Template workflow to retry. 
    3. Success: Terms of Use were updated for [number] collections.

Edit Terms of Use license-by-license

You can edit Terms of Use for a specific license.

  1. Expand Licenses and click Terms of Use Display.
  2. Expand the Content Affected by Template accordion.
  3. Click View license to view the license where the indicated collection is associated.
  4. Click a License Name.
  5. Expand the Collections or Titles accordion.
  6. Select the collection(s) or title(s) to which you would like to replace the current terms of use with the terms of use template and click Replace Terms of Use Display.
  7. From the Terms of Use display wizard, select/add additional Terms of Use or deselect existing Terms of Use and then click Continue.
  8. Use the up and down arrows to rearrange the order in which Terms of Use display and then click Continue.
  9. (Optional). Edit how you want your Existing Terms of Use Content to be handled and preview your edited Terms of Use.
  10. Click Apply Changes. License Manager will begin analyzing all your licenses and their associated collections or titles. The criteria used will be whether the license is currently active and also whether the collection or title found is on only a single license or multiple licenses. The Terms of Use Display Template screen displays one of the following statuses:
     Note: Click Refresh to update the status.
    1. Processing resources: Results will be available momentarily.
      • Optional. Use the Cancel button to cancel an update that was submitted by mistake or took too long due to a large dataset. 

         Note: The cancellation will not reverse any note updates applied to collections or titles during the load time prior to cancellation.

    2. Processed with errors: A partial update was applied due to a processing error. The counts of updated collections and titles are displayed. Use the Apply Template workflow to retry. 
    3. Success: Terms of Use were updated for [number] collections.