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OCLC Support

When selecting a pick up option I get a ‘not available due to policy’ message. What policy should I check?

Applies to
  • WorldShare Circulation

Here are the policies that you need to check if a pickup option displays the ‘not available due to policy’ message when attempting to create/edit a hold in WorldShare Circulation:

  • Collection Type Policy
    • Can the item(s) in the collection fulfill holds for the requesting user?


  • Hold Pickup Locations Map
    • Given the item eligibility per Collection Type Policy, are there pick-up locations configured for this scenario?
    • Compare the map to the home branch of the patron in the Admin module or the Profile tab.


  • Branch Locations
    • Is the desired pickup location currently an Active Pickup Location?
    • If a Branch is selected as the Default Pickup Location on the Hold Pickup Location Map, verify that that Branch has no Branch Location(s) configured as an Active Pickup Location per Service Configuration > Circultation > Admin/General > Branch Locations. If there is, the Branch will no longer be valid as a Default Pickup Location, and one of its Branch Locations will need to be selected instead.


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