Patron notes

Learn about patron notes, and how to add and delete them.


A Public or Staff note may be written by library staff about the patron. Enter them in the Patron record's Profile tab. Multiple notes may be added to a patron's record.

 Note: This section will appear empty if no notes have been added.

Add a note

  1. Search for the patron record.
  2. In the Profile tab, click the Notes accordion.
  3. On the Notes accordion, click Edit (on the far right).
  4. Select if you want the note to be a Staff note or Public note.
  5. Enter the note in the text field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. (Optional). Click the Add button (Add button) to add another note.
  8. On the confirmation window, click OK.

Staff notes are not visible to patrons in WorldCat Discovery, but are visible on the checkout screen.

Public notes are not visible to patrons in WorldCat Discovery and can be configured to display on the checkout screen. This feature is optional and must be activated by the library in OCLC Service Configuration (WorldShare Circulation>Admin/General>Display Patron Information). For more information, see Display Patron Information.

Staff and public notes can display in a pop-up by typing an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of a note (no space). Pop-up notes will display when the patron account is initially accessed.

Delete a note

You can remove a note that has already been created in the Notes section of a user account.

  1. Search for the user.
  2. In the user account, click the Notes accordion.
  3. On the Notes accordion, click Edit (on the far right).
  4. Click the Remove button (Remove button) under the note you want to remove.
  5. Click Save.