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Patron Type Policy

Use this screen to limit patron accounts based on items overdue, outstanding bills, waived bills, total value of loans, and/or items claimed lost, never had, or returned.  Learn how to view, edit, and delete patron type policies.

To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WMS Circulation left navigation, select Patron Type Policy.

Use this screen to limit patron accounts based on items overdue, outstanding bills, waived bills, total value of loans, and/or items claimed lost, never had, or returned.

  • When patrons exceed the limits set in the policy:
    • The system displays an alert message when staff check out an item for the patron. Depending on their account type, staff will need to override or acknowledge the message.  See Circulation Account roles, Overrides for more information.  
  • Patron types need to be added to the Institution Borrower Categories screen in the WMS Institution module before you can create a policy.
  • For Circulation groups:
    • Patron Type Policy is controlled by the patron's home institution.

Implementing/migrating libraries: During the migration process, OCLC staff will add the patron types you listed on your translation table to the Institution Borrower Categories screen. For more information on mapping patron types from your local system to WMS, see Patron types and bill reasons (OCLC Community Center document, login required)

View patron type policies

Use the Patron Type Policies screen to view all your patron type policies. The following describes the fields on the Patron Type Policies screen:

  • Policy Name: Patron type, as set on the Institution Borrower Categories screen in the WMS Institution module. Click the Policy Name to edit the policy. 
  • Status: Status indicates whether the patron type policy has been created. Statuses include:
    • None: The policy has been created for the Patron Type.
    • This policy is configured in the WMS Institution Service for use on Patron Records, but no corresponding WMS Circulation Policy has been defined: The Patron Type exists in Institution Borrower Categories, but no Patron Type Policy has been created.
    • This policy has a WMS Circulation Policy defined, but is not present in the WMS Institution Service for use on Patron Records: The Patron Type Policy was created and applied to users, but the Patron Type was deleted in Institution Borrower Categories.
  • Last Modified: Date and time the policy was last modified.

Edit patron type policies

  1. On the Patron Type Policies screen, click the Policy Name you want to edit.
  2. On the Edit Policy screen, fill in the fields in the order below. If you do not want a field to apply, click No Limit.
    • Policy Name: Patron type, as set on the Institution Borrower Categories screen in the WMS Institution module.
    • Last Modified: Date and time the policy was last modified.
    • General
      • Use patron-supplied email for notifications: Select Yes to allow the system to send notifications to the patron-supplied email address. If none is found, the system will use an institution-supplied email address. If the patron record has no email addresses, the system will generate a print notification.

         Note: Patron-supplied email addresses are stored in the Delivery Notification section of the patron record. WorldShare Circulation does not allow individual patrons to opt-out of email notices when the patron has a valid email address on record.

      • Membership Policy: Select the appropriate Membership policy if applicable. See Membership Policies for more information.
        • You can remove a Membership Policy at any time.
          • Active memberships will continue to display in the patron's account in WorldShare Circulation.
          • Patrons with an expired or unknown membership status will no longer be blocked by the system.
          •  Caution: Any pending membership bills will need to be manually canceled by library staff.  Use the Outstanding Fees and Bills Report to identify orphaned bills.

    • Loan Limits
      • Maximum value of items on loan: Maximum amount of all loaned items. This value is calculated based on the item cost in the local holding record (LHR) field 876 ‡c. If an item has no cost in its LHR, it will not add to this value. If the amount entered here differs from the Verified Loan Value Limit in the Loan Limit Policy, then the most restrictive amount is applied.
        • Block renewal when limit is exceeded: Selected by default. Determine whether to prevent checkout and renewal when limits are exceeded for Loan Limit Policy and Patron Type Policy. 
      • Maximum number of items overdue: Maximum number of overdue items.
      • Maximum number of days overdue: Number of days overdue before the patron is blocked.  Indicate the number of days an item should be overdue before blocking or select the No Limit check box.
      • Maximum number of items claimed lost: Maximum number of items that the patron can claim as lost. Claimed lost is not the same as items that are lost according to long overdue policies.
      • Maximum number of items claimed returned: Maximum number of items that the patron can claim as returned.
      • Maximum number of items claimed never had: Maximum number of items that the patron can claim they never had.
         Note: For more information on how to mark items as claimed lost, claimed returned, or claimed never had, see Change loan status.
    • Billing and Suspension
      • Bill Notification Policy: Select the bill notification that will be sent to the patron. Create bill notifications on the Notification Policies screen.
      • Maximum outstanding billed amount: Maximum amount of fines, fees, and bills that the patron can accrue before being blocked from checking out items.
        • This applies to bills that have been posted to the patron account. Accruing fees and fines are not included by default. Overdue fines and fees are posted to the patron account when the items are returned to the library. To include accruing fines and fees under this limit, see Accruing Fines Policy.
      • Maximum amount waived: Maximum amount of bills that can be waived.
      • Suspension Notification Policy:  Select the suspension notification that will be sent to the patron.  See Suspension Notification on the Notification Policies screen.
      • Maximum suspension period: indicates how long a patron can be suspended at any given time.
        • No Limit is selected by default
        • If a patron type should never be suspended, set the maximum suspension period to 0 minutes. 
    • Notifications
      • Account Overview Confirmation: Select which Account Overview template to use for notifications. Once assigned, the patron type will include the Account Overview option when staff select Contact patron from the patron's account in WorldShare Circulation.  
        • Template: Use the drop-down to select the desired Template. Refer to Account Overview for more information. 
        • First choice reply-to address: Select the reply to address to use for the notification. Options include:
        • Second choice reply-to address: Select the second choice for reply-to address. Only required if Use the address configured by patron type is selected.
  3. Click Save.

Delete patron type policies

Deleting or changing patron types or patron type policies can have an impact on patron accounts in WMS. If you need to delete or change a patron type or patron type policy, contact OCLC Support.