Hold Limit Matrix

Use this screen to create or edit rows in the hold limit matrix to apply hold limit policies to patron types and material format.

To access this screen, sign in Service Configuration, open the WMS Circulation left navigation, select Holds and Schedules, and then select the Hold Limit Matrix link.

Use this screen to apply hold limit policies to patron types and material format.

Processing order

  1. When an item is placed on hold, the system evaluates all the rows in the matrix for any matches.
  2. If the system finds one or more matches, it determines whether the hold limit (hold count) has been exceeded.
  3. If the hold limit has been exceeded, the reason will be displayed in an Acknowledgement window. Depending on your account type, you will need to override or acknowledge the message in order to allow the circulation transaction.  See Circulation Account roles, Overrides for more information.  

It is recommended to have a row to cover all patron types and material formats.

Create or edit rows in the hold limit matrix

  1. On the Hold Limit Matrix screen, fill in the fields in the order below:
    1. Patron Policy: Select the Patron Policy from the list. Create patron type policies on the Patron Type Policy screen.
    2. Material Format: Material format is defined in an item's WorldCat record. For more information, see Material Type Names and Codes to determine how the WorldCat record provides material format.
    3. Hold Limits Policy: Select the Holds Limit Policy from the list. Create hold limit policies on the Hold Limit Policy screen.
    4. Add/Delete (rightmost column):
      • To add a row, click the Add button (Add button).
      • To delete a row, click the Remove button (Remove button).
  2. Click Save.

Related policies

Loan Limit Matrix depends upon: