Tipasa integration

Tipasa and WorldShare Circulation integration provides you with a method to streamline the interlibrary loan-circulation process and workflow. Librarians and staff who process interlibrary loan (ILL) requests through WorldShare Circulation no longer have to create temporary items manually or holds for ILL requests.
  • Einrichten der Integration
    Find information about setting up integration between WorldShare Circulation and Tipasa.
  • Integrationsworkflow
    Find information about the workflow involved with WorldShare Circulation and Tipasa integration.
  • Politische Überlegungen
    Find information about the policies that should be considered when integrating WorldShare Circulation and Tipasa.
  • Ausnahmeverarbeitung
    Informieren Sie sich über die Gründe für das Auftreten einer Ausnahme, die zu einem Stopp des Integrationsprozesses geführt haben könnte.