Zur Startseite
OCLC Support

Change due date

Learn how to change due date during and after checkout.

You can override the automatically-calculated due date for an item during or after checkout. Unlike when you renew an item, there is no limit to the number of times you can change the due date for item.

Change due date during checkout

When checking out items to a patron, optionally you can change the default due date.

  1. In the left panel Assist Patrons area, scan or type the patron barcode in the Enter barcode box. If you type the number, click Go or press <Enter>. The Checkout tab of the patron record appears.
  2. In the workspace, click Set due date to the right of the Enter barcode box. Type the new date in the Set due date box. Or click the calendar widget and click a date to select it.

Set the exact time

Optionally you can also set the exact time the item is due:

  1. Click the calendar widget and click a date.
  2. Select an hour and minute time (in 15 minute increments). Twenty-four hour time is used.
  3. Click either AM or PM.
  4. Click Select.

The changed due date appears next to the Enter barcode box. Enter barcode to checkout items to the new date / time.

 Note: The new date applies to all items checked out during this session for this patron. To return to the normal default due date, click the small box containing an X to the right of the calendar widget.

See Circulation account roles, Overrides for information regarding which roles are capable of overriding the alert if the selected due date is beyond the Loan Policy.

Change due date of an item that is already checked out

In the left panel Assist Patrons area, scan or type the patron barcode in the Enter barcode box. If you type the number, click Go or press <Enter>. The Checkout tab of the patron record appears.

  1. In the list of items checked out, select the check box (first column on the left) for the item whose due date you want to change. At the bottom of the list of items, click Change due date.
  2. In the Choose due date window, enter the new due date (use the calendar widget or type):
    • Type due date, click Choose due date.
    • Use calendar widget, click Choose due date

Watch a video

Renew items and change due date

Run time: 12:13

In this video, you will learn how to renew an item and/or change the due date for an item, as well as explain when you would renew an item or change the due date.



Run time: 4:47

In this video, you’ll learn how to process exceptions to your library’s circulation policies (such as checking out a non-circulating item), and when this requires override credentials.