Zur Startseite
OCLC Support

View and edit exchange rates

Discover how to view and edit exchange rates.

View and edit existing exchange rates

  1. On the left navigation, click Settings > Exchange Rates. All existing exchange rates are displayed.

    • Results are sorted chronologically by the last date modified, newest to oldest.
    • To change the sort order, click the Foreign CurrencyExchange Rate, or Date Modified column headings.
    • If there is more than one page of results, use the navigation buttons to move between pages.
    • Select a number from the Rows list to change the number of rows you see per page.
  2. Click a Foreign Currency to edit the existing exchange rate.
  3. From the Edit Exchange Rate dialog, update the Exchange Rate field.
  4. Click Save.

Delete an existing exchange rate

  1. On the left navigation, click Settings > Exchange Rates. All existing exchange rates are displayed.
  2. Select one or more existing exchange rate checkboxes. After you select an existing exchange rate, the Delete button is enabled.
  3. Click Delete to delete the existing exchange rate(s).