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Unpay an invoice

Discover how to unpay an invoice in WorldShare Acquisitions.

 Note: To find an invoice, see Search and filter invoices or Search and filter invoice items.   

Unpay an invoice

To correct mistakes on paid invoices, use the Unpay feature to make the invoice editable. Invoices that use a closed budget cannot be unpaid.

  1. From the left navigation, click Invoices > Invoices.
  2. Search for an open invoice. To find an invoice, see Search and filter invoices or Search and filter invoice items.
  3. From the search results, click the Invoice Number.
  4. In the upper left corner, click Unpay. The Unpay Invoice window appears.
  5. On the Unpay Invoice window, click Yes. The system responds: Invoice unpaid.

When Unpay is unavailable

In certain situations, you may not see the Unpay feature on an invoice. In this case, you will need to verify why the Unpay option is unavailable to determine whether the invoice can ultimately be unpaid.

Reason Unpay is unavailable Steps to resolve
One or more invoice items are associated with a closed budget In this case, there is no way to unpay as the expenditure would always change on the closed budget, which is not allowed for closed budgets.
One or more order items associated with the invoice items on the invoice are associated with a closed budget
  1. Click on Order Items
  2. Enter the invoice number in the search field. 
  3. Filter by the budget period of one or more closed budgets.
  4. All order items on this invoice that are on the closed budget(s) appear.
  5. Open an order item.
  6. Change the budget period and fund code of the order item to the current budget.
  7. Repeat for all order items related to the invoice that are on a closed budget.
  8. Return to the invoice and Unpay.
One or more invoice items have credit, refund, or supplement invoice items on later budget

You cannot unpay an invoice that contains an item that was invoiced as a supplement, credit, or refund on another invoice. You must first delete the supplement, credit, or refund, and then you can unpay the original invoice.  This is so that a situation is not created where there exists a supplement, credit, or refund invoice item for an order item that has not even been paid in the first place.  Supplements, credits, and refunds are, by definition, supplemental charges to an original invoice charge.

  1. On the original invoice, find the order item number of the first invoice item by clicking the order number on the invoice, then clicking on the title of the item, and then clicking on the order tab. The order item number displays.
  2. Click on Invoices > Invoice Items
  3. Enter the order item number in the search field.
  4. Filter the search by credit, refund, and supplement items.
  5. Open the credit, refund, or supplement item.
  6. Unpay the invoice for the item.
  7. Delete the credit, refund, or supplement item.
  8. Repeat for all items on the invoice until you find the order item in question and/or the Unpay button displays. 

     Note: You may need to close and re-open the invoice to see the Unpay button.

  9. Return to the invoice and Unpay.