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Archive user records

Discover user record archiving in OLIB.

►Archives> Archive Users

Archive a user record

User records can be archived from the Users domain to the Archived Users domain.

  1. Go to the Users domain and search for the Users to be archived.
  2. Select the Users in the hitlist and in available Actions choose Archive.
  3. The hitlist is automatically refreshed so that the User records you have just archived no longer display.

After this, the record is no longer visible in the normal User domains.

Users cannot be archived if they have items on loan, items overdue or fines outstanding. However if an archived user passes through the issues/returns desk OLIB displays a message explaining that this borrower has been archived and must be un-archived before you may proceed.
You can view archived User records in the Archives> Archived Users domain in the Menu.

Un-archive a user record

Archived user records can be 'un-archived' so that they reappear in the Users domain:

  1. Go to Archives> Archived Users.
  2. Select a record in the hitlist and use the Action Unarchive User.
  3. The hitlist is automatically refreshed so that the 'un-archived' User records are no longer displayed.

User record imports and archiving

A user record that has been archived may subsequently appear in a User record import. When this occurs the user record is automatically un-archived and updated with the matched details in the user import file's record.

Secondly, if users are allowed to self-register and a user attempts to register with a barcode belonging to an archived record, OLIB prevents the registration from occurring. A message is displayed explaining that the barcode you entered is recorded in an archived user record and that you should use another barcode or contact a member of library staff. 

Auto-archive of users

There is a process that allows batch archiving of Users, Copies and Titles. The main advantage of batch archiving is in speed of operation, as you can select multiple records at once and assign them to the Auto-Archiving folder. There are 3 folders accessible only to the system administrator. Click the Folders search on the Menu.

In the Folders search, choose System Folders from Other Searches

Use e.g. %archiv% to obtain all archive folders:

  • Copies for Auto-archiving
  • Titles for Auto-archiving
  • Users for Auto-archiving

Permissions can be given to other users on these Folders as required. Putting items in these folders is the same process as for any other folders – the difference is that the items will be automatically archived overnight by the Daystart process.


  1. In the Users domain, search for the user records for archiving.
  2. Check the boxes for the users to archive and click Add to Folder.
  3. Select the Folder - Users for Auto-archiving.

This places the user records in the Users for Auto-archiving folder, and the Daystart process will archive those records when it next runs.