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Apply permissions to actions

Learn how to apply permissions to the various drop down Actions in OLIB.

 ►Admin Client Configuration> Method Permissions

Actions are used to carry out relevant functions in various parts of OLIB. For example, in Titles, in the Availability section -

  1. In Availability check the box next to a Copy record.
  2. Click the Actions drop down.
  3. Available Actions are displayed, e.g. Update copy shelf.
  4. Select the required Action to carry out that function.

System Managers may wish to disable some Actions for all groups of users. There may be other Actions which would be better restricted to higher level users only.

Actions can apply to:

  • a whole record in a domain - Domain methods
  • part of a record - Attribute methods

 Note that all Actions are initially set up so that all members of the default ALL USERS GROUP can use them. The process of control is to remove this group and add any groups that should be allowed to use the Action.

Advanced Permissions Management in OLIB Web allows you to change the permissions system shipped with OLIB.

In order to change permissions on Actions you need to log into OLIB Web as the System Administrator, then:

  1. Go to Admin Client Configuration>Method Permissions.
  2. From Other Searches select either Domain Methods Name Search or Attribute Methods Name Search. E.g.carry out a Domain Methods Search, 'Confirm%' - retrieves Confirm reservation(s) from the Reservations domain.
  3. Display full details and click Permissions: Advanced.
  4. The existing permissions are displayed. To remove permissions for a particular group, just deselect the View option and Save.

This change takes effect when the users in the above group next login to OLIB Web.