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Set layouts as default

Learn different ways to have default layouts in OLIB.

►Admin Client Config> Layouts
►User Management> User Groups

Set layout as default for an info type

You can set specific layouts as defaults for specified Info Types for the system. This is particularly helpful if you want all your colleagues to use the same layouts. Individuals can still change their default layout in the normal way when using the system.

  1. Go to Admin Client Config>Layouts.
  2. Search for the Layout name where you want to set a default Info Type layout for all staff e.g. General (domain Titles).
  3. Display full details and click the Info Types tab:
  InfoType Default User
Info Types (current) Books/Monographs N System Administrator
Books/Monographs Y  
Sound Recording    
Possible Info Types

Bound Volume
Chapter of Book
Loose-leaf Part
Loose-leaf Publication
Non Catalogue Item
Serial Article
Serial Issue
Web Page


  1. Switch to modify. In the list of current Info Types, select the one you want to set a default Layout for, e.g. BKM.
  2. Use the Set/Clear Default action to set a default. In the Default column OLIB sets the Info Type to Y.

If a specific layout is set already as the default for a specific user, this will be shown on the User column.

  1. Select the record linked to a user and use the Set/Clear Default action.
  2. Next select the Info Type not linked to the user and set it as default.
  3. Select the Info Type record linked to the user and delete it. You will be asked to confirm this.

Now you only have one record for that Info Type for that Layout and it is set as default for all users:

  InfoType Default User
Info Types (current) Books/Monographs Y System Administrator
  Sound Recording    

Use the Swap Current User/No User action to add the currently logged in user to the User column, or to clear the currently specified user from this column.

Set the layout as the default for a different user or user group:

  1. In the current InfoTypes click the Info Type record to go through to the Default Layout screen.
  2. In User/Group click to Search for and select the user/user group you want to add.
  3. Save your changes.

Copy users layout defaults

It is possible to copy a user’s set of layout defaults to another user or group of users who are within the same user group.

An attribute should be added to the User Groups layout in advance using Layout Manager:

  • Default layouts set for this group

This attribute lists the layout defaults that have been assigned to the user group. Once added, you can copy a user's layout defaults:

  1. Go to User Management> User Groups.
  2. Search for a User Group and go to the Members sheet.
  3. In Users select the user whose layout defaults you wish to copy.
  4. In Actions choose Set Group Default Layouts From User.
  5. Then select the user or users to whom you wish to copy these layout defaults. In Actions choose Set User(s) Default Layouts From Group.

This assigns the group’s layout defaults to the individual users you had selected.

Initially, it will probably be empty (unless you have previously assigned layout defaults to a user group). When you apply the Set Group Default Layouts From User action to a selected user, the Default layouts set for this group field will be refreshed to list the layout defaults that are copied from the user to the user group. These are the layout defaults that will be copied to the selected users when you apply the Set User(s) Default Layouts From Group action.