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About layout manager

Discover an overview of Layout Manager features.

►Admin Client Configuration> Layouts
►Admin Client Configuration> Sheets
►Admin Client Configuration> Styles

Layout Manager is a feature used to change how fields and labels are set out in the various OLIB Web and WorldView screens. This section of the help explains how to make these changes using OLIB Web but any changes you make will also be visible in WorldView.

You need to be logged in as a system administrator to make changes using Layout Manager.

The purpose of Layout Manager is to access the underlying structure of OLIB so that OLIB domains can display the fields you want in the order you want and with the appearance you want - but without actually altering the underlying structure. This allows you to customise different parts of OLIB so that it reflects your own local requirements.

These changes are made by manipulating the layouts and sheets in OLIB. You can change the existing screens as supplied with OLIB and you can create new screens.

In summary Layout Manager allows you to make changes in these areas:


In the OLIB domains, these determine what 'tabs' are available. For example in the Users domain, the Users Standard Layout includes Users, Details, Loans/Res, History, Group/Interest. In Layout Manager we call these 'Sheets'. A Layout is made up of one or more Sheets.

Layouts are listed in Admin Client Configuration> Layouts.


These are the component parts of the Layout. The Users Standard Layout above contains 5 sheets, the Users layout has 2 sheets: Main Details and History. Each sheet includes a number of fields. In Layout Manager we refer to these fields as 'Controls' or 'Attributes'.

Sheets are listed in Admin Client Configuration> Sheets.


These correspond to the fields in OLIB. They determine what Attribute "field" is used and where and how it is displayed - its' properties. They also can be a simple Label which just make up the headings, field labels and general text in sheets.

You can easily find Controls when you put a Sheet into modify mode.


This is the graphical style, such as colour and font, that is applied to a particular Control.

You can access Styles in Admin Client Configuration> Styles.

 Tip: you can create a draft copy of a sheet to learn how to use Layout Manager. An edited Sheet or new Sheet does not become visible in OLIB until you save it and then Publish it in Sheet Actions.

All changes you make using Layout Manager become available when a user next logs in. There is no need to rebuild config data except when you make changes to Styles.

If you want to make major changes it would be useful to better understand OLIB's underlying database structure - see the System Table Listing in OLIB Reports> Reports. Select System Reports from the Other Searches drop down and view the SYS009 - Table Listing report.

 Caution: a layout can consist of one or more sheets. Sheets may be included in more than one layout. Any changes to a sheet take effect wherever that sheet is in use. It is therefore important to proceed with care when editing existing layouts and sheets. (In Admin Client Config> Sheets, all the layouts that the sheet appears in are displayed).