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Other language serial texts

Discover how to configure OLIB to use other language variants for Serials management values.

►Cataloguing Reference Data> Languages

A number of fields are included in the Languages domain to support Serials Management. These are particularly relevant for serials collections which contain serials in different languages. When issues are generated in OLIB, the default language for the days of the week, months of the year and other text that appears in issue titles is English. However, in the Languages domain, you can configure OLIB to use other language variants for these values for individual serial titles.

The settings are defined on the Serials Texts screen in the Languages domain. The settings you enter here are used whenever you specify that language in the Language field on the Serials – General Management screen.

  1. Go to Cataloguing Reference Data> Languages.
  2. Click Serials Texts tab.
  3. In Text for Months of the Year, enter the relevant word in the language for each month of the year. These are used when you use generate issues using a citation pattern with a date element which includes the month, e.g. citation pattern 00001 - Volume/Issue - Month and Year.
  4. In Text for Days of the Week, enter the relevant word in the language for each day of the week. These are used when you generate issues using a citation pattern with a date element which includes the day of the week, e.g. citation pattern 10002 - Issue Only - Day, Day, Month and Year.
  5. In Week, enter the relevant word in the language for 'Week'. This is used when you generate issues using a citation pattern with a date element which includes the week of the year, e.g. citation pattern 10003 - Issue Only - Week and year.
  6. In Supplement, enter the relevant word in the language for 'Supplement'. This is used when you generate issues using a frequency with a supplement. There are no standard frequencies that include a supplement.
  7. In Index, enter the relevant word in the language for 'Index'. This is used when you generate issues using a frequency with an index, e.g. frequency 20002 – Monthly With Index.
  8. Save the details. When you generate issues requiring the above text, they will be labelled using this substitute text.