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Merged issues

Discover how to merge serial issues in OLIB.


If a Serial issue is received in which another issue is merged then there are two processes to be carried out:

  • The title of the merged issue will be amended to show the change.
  • The issue that will no longer be published will be deleted.

For example when the June issue is received it is a combined issue with July and it is noted that the July issue will not be published separately.

Amend the title of the merged issue

This can be combined with the Check in procedure:

  1. Navigate to Serials > Check in.
  2. Search for issues title, e.g. using the default Outstanding Issues by Serial Title.
  3. Click to obtain the detailed record.
  4. The field to be amended is the Issue title. Click the Issue title to go to the details and switch to modify. Change the title as required e.g. Vol.71 No.6/7 June/July 2008
  5. Save the changes and return to the Check in screen. Refresh the Check in screen and the change will appear. The amended issue can now be checked in.
  6. In the Issue Copies list box, select the copies you want to check in and from the available Actions choose Automatic Check In.

Delete the surplus issue record

After editing the above issue title to indicate it is a merged issue, you then deed to delete the surplus issue record:

  1. Navigate to the Titles domain.
  2. Retrieve the Issue using Serial Issues by Serial Title.
  3. Select the title to be deleted and in available Actions choose Delete Titles.

OLIB confirms the issue is deleted.

Delete issues from Serial Title: Management sheet

To delete unwanted Issues, several actions are available in the Serial Title record - Management sheet.

The delete Actions include:

  • Delete from here downwards/upwards and Delete selected issues: These actions only delete issues if they do not have checked in copies.
  • Actions for (all): These actions delete the specified issues without warning irrespective of whether they have checked in issue copies.

If all issues were deleted, the following message is displayed: Deleting title(s) succeeded

OLIB will not delete issues in certain circumstances:

Circumstance Message displayed
Some issues could not be deleted because an issue copy has been checked in. Deleting title(s) succeeded. Some issues were not deleted because at least one copy of the issues has been checked in
All issues could not be deleted because an issue copy has been checked in. The issues were not deleted because at least one copy of the issues has been checked in
Some issues could not be deleted for some other reason, e.g. because a copy is on loan. Deleting title(s) succeeded. Some issues were not deleted, for example because the issue's copy record was flagged as On Loan
All issues could not be deleted for some other reason, e.g. because a copy is on loan. The issues were not deleted, for example because the issue's copy record was flagged as On Loan