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About Serials cataloguing

Discover how cataloguing works in Serials management in OLIB.

Cataloguing in OLIB Serials is fully integrated with all other features used in cataloguing. The relationship of Journal Titles, Issues and Articles uses OLIB's analytical cataloguing features. A hierarchical relationship exists between a journal, the issues belonging to the journal, and articles catalogued within any given issue. The issues are normally auto generated, but can be catalogued manually when required. All levels in this hierarchy may be catalogued, and end users can search for articles, journal titles and even issues. At each level of the hierarchy, you can browse up and down to a higher or lower level of the hierarchy.

All levels within the hierarchy are document/object enabled. For example, OLIB’s object linking facilities allow an online journal article to be stored against an Article catalogue record, or an entire e-journal can be catalogued and referenced by the URL. The end user can then display online journals, issues and articles directly from the OPAC.

Serial Title records are used to record:

  • General bibliographic data
  • Holdings information
  • Bound volume information
  • Generation of Issues titles
  • E-journal link
  • The Serial Claims sequences to be used
  • Serial Copy records created by subscription orders and used e.g for Circulation Lists

Issue Title records include:

  • The parent Journal Title
  • The list of Articles
  • Issue Copy records, used by check in process

Article Title records include

  • The Title of the journal
  • The parent Issue Title, e.g. Vol.5 Iss 12 Dec 08
  • An attached PDF/ document for displaying the article
  • An Abstract for the article