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OCLC Support

Saved searches

Learn how to save search criteria in OLIB.

You can save your searches for use during a later session. Having used a specific search strategy, that may include several search terms and be filtered and ordered in a particular way, you may wish to re-run this search frequently. For example you may want to save a frequently used search for all Titles containing the Keyword "pollution" catalogued after a certain Date Catalogued and ordered by Date Catalogued.

In a saved search the database query is stored. Every time you open the saved search the query is re-executed and an updated list of results is displayed. You can have an unlimited number of saved searches for your own personal use and they can be created in any domains.

Save a search

  1. Carry out the search using any filtering and sorting settings.
  2. Click on the Save link.
  3. Enter a name for the saved search and click OK.

The search is now saved.

Open a saved search

  1. Hover over the Other Searches drop down to see the search under the Saved searches heading.
  2. Click on it to re-open and execute the saved search.

This will obtain the most up to date list of hits.

Delete the saved search

  1. Hover over the Other Searches drop down to see the search under the Saved searches heading.
  2. Click on the saved search to open it.
  3. To the right of the search results click on the Delete link.

OLIB prompts you to confirm deletion.

Rename a saved search

  1. Hover over the Other Searches drop down to see the search under the Saved searches heading.
  2. Click on the saved search to open it.
  3. To the right of the search results click on the Rename Search link.
  4. In the Saved Search - Rename box, edit the name as required and click OK.
  5. The search is immediately renamed.