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OCLC Support

Keyboard shortcuts

Discover the list of keyboard shortcuts in OLIB.

OLIB Web offers the following range of accelerator keys. For example, these are useful in OLIB domains where there is a large amount of data entry, such as Titles and Users.

Use alt+s to show the shortcut keys for the current page. As such, this list will vary depending on where you are in the application and, for the forward and back keys, where you have been.

Use esc to exit shortcut keys.

Key Description
alt+b Back to user barcode
alt+q Close users record
alt+n Create a new record
alt+d Delete this record
alt+l Last tab: *Issues/Returns/Renewals record
alt+m Modify this record
alt+0 Open options box

Open the Circulation Desk.

icon_issues.gif As with the Circ. Desk button, this can be used from anywhere in OLIB, to load the Circ. Desk screen.

alt+p Print this record
alt+f5 Refresh this record
alt+a View / manage annotations
esc Close this message
alt+s Keyboard shortcuts