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Media type icons

Discover how the Format icons in Folio can be configured in OLIB Web.

As standard, Folio displays the following icons for different Media Types:

Icon    KEY (long description) Filename
Book.gif BKM (Book) Book.gif
PrintMagazineSerial.gifSER (Journal) PrintMagazineSerial.gif
PrintMagazineSerialIssue.pngSISS (Journal Issue) PrintMagazineSerialIssue.png
Article.pngSART (Journal Article) Article.png
Book.pngCHAP (Chapter of Book Book.png
ContinuallyUpdatingResource.pngLLEAF (Loose-leaf Publication) ContinuallyUpdatingResource.png
MapPaper.pngCART (Cartographic Materials) MapPaper.png
MusicOnCD.pngSREC (Sound Recording) MusicOnCD.png
MusicOnCD.pngTRACK (Track) MusicOnCD.png
DVD.pngVREC (Video) DVD.png
InternetResource.pngWWW (WWW Page) InternetResource.png

...followed by the Media Type long description.

Media Sub-types are not provided.

 Note: many e-content equivalents are also available in the /html/icons directory (see below).

Title hitlist and title details displays

When the OPAC displays a title in the hitlist it shows the Media Sub-Types icon; if this is not present, it shows the Media Types icon.

If the title’s Media Type does not have an OPAC icon either, the OPAC displays Book.gif (above), regardless of the Media Type.

Link different icons into OLIB

You can configure the icons that display for different Media Types and Sub-types. OLIB provides several icons as standard. All you have to do is configure the correct file name in order to display that icon. The above icons can be used, or you can choose from the extensive icons displayed below.

  1. Go to Cataloguing Reference Data> Media Types (Or go to Cataloguing Reference Data> Media Sub-Types.
  2. Search for the relevant media type , e.g. map and open in modify mode.
  3. Enter a valid file name in the OPAC Icon field, e.g. MapPaper_e.gif. The file name can be entered as a gif or a png

     Note: gif image appears slightly larger then png.

  4. If you leave OPAC Icon blank in both Media Types and Media Sub-types, OLIB defaults in Book.gif, so this is the icon that the OPAC displays.

 Tip: the OPAC can be configured to not display any icon at all. In the case of Folio, if you enter NONE (case-insensitive) in OPAC Icon, then Folio will not show any icon.

There are many icons available for you to choose from. In OPAC Icon you can also enter file names available from these below. Whichever image you prefer, just enter the corresponding file name:

e.g. Games.png

Icon gallery:

Folio icon gallery.

These icons can be replaced with your own if preferred and you can add other icons for other media types as needed. Any new images must be stored with the ones provided in the following directory on the server:


Title details displays

For Title details, Folio displays whatever is in the mtp entry in the tidetails array (in g_title_details). As above, Book.gif is displayed if there is no icon for both Media Sub-Type and Media Type.

For title details however, you can change this by modifying the config setting –

  1. Go to OPAC Configuration Settings.
  2. Search for tidetails (in g_title_details).
  3. Locate the mtp array and in the record details edit Value 3 if required:
DECODE(UPPER(NVL(me.webview_icon, mt.webview_icon)), 'NONE', '','<IMG SRC=''<IconsFolder>/icons/' ||  NVL(me.webview_icon,NVL(mt.webview_icon, 'Book.png')) || ''' BORDER=''0'' ALT=''' ||mt.mediatpld ||  DECODE(me.mediumld, NULL, '', '/' || me.mediumld) ||''' TITLE=''' || mt.mediatpld ||  DECODE(me.mediumld, NULL, '', '/'|| me.mediumld) || '''>' || '&' || 'nbsp;') || mt.mediatpld ||DECODE(me.mediumld, NULL, '', '/' || me.mediumld)

You can also set up media type-specific tidetails arrays with their own “mtp” settings.  A very short tidetails_SER array is delivered as standard to illustrate this.