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Transaction types

Learn about the circulation transaction types used in OLIB.

About transaction types

Transaction Types are used to control how physical copies are managed in the Circ Desk screen.

In System Administration> OLIB Defaults, a default list of transaction types is supplied at system level with OLIB:

Order  Transaction Type
1 Auto
2 Issue
3 Return
4 Renewal
5 Unseen Renewal
6 Hold
7 In Transit Issue
8 In Transit Receipt

Permanent Loan Issue, Claims Lost Return, Transfer/Archive, Transfer, Non-loan Return, Project Loan are also available for use if required.

Items in the default list can be removed, added, or the order changed, so that they appear in the most relevant way in the Circ Desk screen. This configuration can be done system wide, at PC Location level or at the User Category level.

To view these at system level for example:

  1. Go to System Administration> OLIB Defaults.
  2. Click on the User/Circ sheet.

Change the order of the transaction types

  1. In OLIB Defaults, User/Circ sheet locate Issues Returns Renewals Transaction Types.
  2. Switch to Modify. Select the transaction type you wish to move and use standard Up and Down re-sequencing facilities to change the order of the entries in the list.

Add a transaction type

To add a transaction type to the list:

  1. In OLIB Defaults, User/Circ sheet locate Issues Returns Renewals Transaction Types.
  2. In modify mode, select the transaction type from the drop down immediately above the list.
  3. Click the Add to list button.

This adds the new transaction type to the end of the list.

To insert a transaction type in a specific position in the list, enter the position number in the sequence field to the left of the drop down list, then select the transaction type and click the Add to list button. The items at and below that position will be shuffled down to accommodate the new transaction type.

Remove a transaction type

To remove an item from the list altogether:

  1. In OLIB Defaults, User/Circ sheet locate Issues Returns Renewals Transaction Types.
  2. In modify mode select the transaction type in the list and click the Delete link.

Subsequent entries in the list will be shuffled up so that the gap in the sequence numbering is filled.

Location and user category level

The above configuration is also possible at Location and User Category level. If the Transaction Types list has been defined at user category level (currently logged in user), it will be used in preference to any definitions that have been defined at location or system level. If it has been defined at location level (PC Location), it will be used in preference to the list that is defined at system level.

  • Go to User Management> Locations: Circ Details sheet, to configure the I/R/R Transaction Type at PC Location level
  • Go to Circulation Reference Data> User Categories: Details sheet to configure the I/R/R Transaction Types at User Category level