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Configure stocktakes

Learn how to set up stocktaking in OLIB.

►Cataloguing> Stocktaking

Stocktaking domain

Use the Stocktaking domain to -

  • Configure the stocktaking project to define the scope of the stocktaking
  • Configure the report email settings so that the generated report is emailed correctly


  • If you want to include the Media Type and/or Media Sub-type as options for the Stocktaking project then the system manager will need to add those fields to the stocktaking layout using Layout Manager.
  • If you have not de-duplicated your Shelves since upgrading to OLIB 9.0 then you should do this before setting up the stocktaking project otherwise you may inadvertently link a shelf which does not match your location and invalidate the project.
  • Expect on Shelf?: Review your Available Copy Statuses to decide whether this field should be set to Yes or No. Copy Statuses: Expect on Shelf? is a mandatory field. (This needs to be set retrospectively for Copy Statuses that exist already). Stocktaking refers to this field to determine whether the copy should be found on the shelf or not. E.g. a Copy Status In Transit (to another branch - Loan Status=Available) would have Expect on Shelf?=No. In the stocktaking reports, copies which are at a status where Expect on Shelf?=Yes and which are not scanned, are reported as Not Scanned – Missing; copies which are at a status where Expect on Shelf?=No and which are not scanned, are reported as Not Scanned – Not Expected.
  • If your library does not use the Dewey Decimal Classification system, you can use Sorting Rules to configure the filing order for your Classes and/or Shelfmarks. This will improve the usability of OLIB Stocktaking by reducing the occurrences of misfiled and missing items.

Create stocktake record

  1. Go to Cataloguing> Stocktaking and click New Record.
  2. In the Stocktaking Project Details enter a free text Description.
  3. Complete the following field details:
Field Instructions
Start Date Defaults to today's date but can be changed. Enter the End Date. These date fields will be used to ensure that any items issued after the barcode was captured but before the stock check is run are not reported as present.

Use the drop downs below to refine the scope of the stocktaking. Select a value from the drop down and then click >> which inserts the value into the display field below. For multiple values, repeat for each value as required.

Include Any Value / Include Null value: These 2 values are present for Sub-Locations and Shelves.

Include Any Value: include only copies with a shelf or a sub-location present. This will exclude from the stocktake any copies which do not have a shelf (or a sub-location if applied to that field).

Include NULL value: Add this option to your list of shelves and any copy which does not have a shelf set will be included in the stocktake along with the copies on the shelves selected.

Include NULL value: Use this option by itself (with no shelves or sub-locations selected) to make the stocktake check only for copies which do not have a shelf (or a sub-location if applied to that field).

Locations This should be a list of the locations where stock is being stock checked.

This should be a list of sub-locations where stock is being stock checked. The list you select from is limited to those sub-locations related to the Locations selected above.


This should be a list of the shelves where stock is being stock checked.

Copy Categories This should be a list of categories that you want to limit the stock check to.
Shelfmark Sorting This is optional, but useful if your library does not use the Dewey Classification system or similar. Select the sorting rule you want to apply for this stocktake. This field is applied to the Shelfmark range fields in order to advise the stocktaking process of the range of shelfmarks which are included in the project. The Misfiled report will be based on the rules associated with the copy records themselves (if any).
Shelfmark Range Enter a from/to range of shelfmarks. E.g 021 - [blank] indicates all the 021s are being stock checked; and e.g. 000 - 099.99999999 indicates all the 0s are being stock checked.
Report Settings and History sheet

Complete details for email reporting. This sends the report that is generated as part of the stocktaking process to the correct recipient with a suitably titled email message when it has completed.

Enter To, From and optionally CC addresses. We recommend you do not change the Report Email Message details. The Emails Sent field is for view and display purposes only.

  1. Save the details. The project can now be re-opened at any time to capture the barcodes.

 Caution: do not click Initiate Stocktaking Checks before saving the project.If you inadvertently do this, OLIB displays a message requesting you to save the project before clicking this button. After clicking OK to acknowledge this message, you should click Save and Continue to save the project record to the database before clicking the Initiate Stocktaking Checks button again.

Exclude from stock check: if there are any individual Copy records you would like to exclude from stocktaking you can set the Exclude from Stock Check flag in the Copies domain for each copy. Note however that it will only apply to the report of missing items.