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Archive title and copy records

Learn about archiving for title and copy records in OLIB.

►Searches> Titles
►Searches > Copies
►Archives > Archived Titles
►Archives > Archived Copies

Using OLIB, catalogue records can be archived. Sometimes this may be a more appropriate option than actual deletion of records. Archiving moves titles and copies records into domains in the Archives section of the Menu:

Titles --> Archives> Archived Titles

Copies --> Archives> Archived Copies

After this, the record is no longer visible in the OPAC or the normal cataloguing domains.

If at a later stage it becomes necessary, you can un-archive the records, ie OLIB returns them back to the normal Titles / Copies domain.

Archive a record

Before archiving any records note that a copy record cannot be archived if it is on loan or held; a title record cannot be archived if any of its copies are on loan or held.

  1. In the Titles or Copies domain, search for the item you want to archive.
  2. In the hit list, check the box of the correct Title or Copy record.
  3. In Other Actions select Archive Title or Archive Copy.
  4. The action is immediately carried out and OLIB moves the records into the Archiving domains.

 Note: when a title record is archived, its' copy records are also archived at the same time.

Un-archive a record

  1. Select the relevant record as above for archiving.
  2. From Other Actions select Unarchive Title or Unarchive Copy.
  3. The action is immediately carried out and OLIB moves the records into the normal Titles / Copies domain.

 Note: un-archiving a title record does not un-archive any copy records that were linked to it when it was archived. These will have to be un-archived separately.

Batch archives: auto-archive titles and copies

There is a process that allows batch archiving of users, copies and titles. The main advantage of batch archiving is in speed of operation, as you can select multiple records at once and assign them to the Auto-Archiving folder. There are 3 folders accessible only to the system administrator:

Click Search> Folders on the Menu to locate these folders:

Copies for Auto-Archiving

From Other Searches select Copies Folders

Search e.g. %auto to retrieve this folder.

Titles for Auto-Archiving

From Other Searches select Titles Folders

Search e.g. %auto to retrieve this folder.

Users for Auto-Archiving

From Other Searches select Users Folders

Search e.g. %auto to retrieve this folder.

Permissions can be given to other users on these Folders as required. Putting items in these folders is the same process as for any other folders – the difference is that the items will be automatically archived overnight by the Daystart process.


  1. In the Titles or Copies domain, search for the items for archiving.
  2. Check the box to select e.g. Title for deletion and click Add to Folder.
  3. Select the Folder e.g. Titles for Auto-Archiving.

When you check the Titles/Copies for Auto-Archiving folder, the title/copy will be included in the list. The Daystart process will archive those records when it next runs.

If a record is added to the auto-archive folder in error, open the folder in modify mode, select the record in the folder's Contents, and click Delete. OLIB prompts you to confirm removal from the Contents list.