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Default values in Acquisitions

Find the available default reference data values for Acquisitions in OLIB.


Streamline ordering workflow by setting up these reference data defaults. Acquisitions reference data can be configured in advance so that the ongoing operation of the ordering process is much quicker.

Defaults can be set at various levels in OLIB, with the lowest level taking precedence:

  • System-level - System Administration> OLIB Defaults and Admin Client Defaults
  • Location-level - User Management> Locations
  • Supplier-level - Acquisitions> Publishers/Suppliers
  • Supplier/location-level - Acquisitions> Publishers/Suppliers: Supplier Details: Location Level Defaults. Location Level Defaults allow you to set up default values for each Location in your system against a Supplier record. See About adding Supplier/Location-level defaults below.
  • Supplier/media type-level (discount rate, tax rate, claim sequences only) - Acquisitions Reference Data> Supplier/Media Types

For example, a default value for Payment Account at Supplier level will take precedence over Payment Account that might also be set at Locations level.

If you operate as a 'single-site' system for acquisitions, you can just set your defaults at the highest System-level (OLIB Defaults).

Orders defaults

For each field listed in the table below, check what level you would like to set the default value at.

Fields Comments OLIB


Supplier -
Supplier -
Media Type
Default order
Specifies what the ordering location should default to when a new order or order item is created.
  • No default (i.e. the ordering location field will not default to anything)
  • User's location (the ordering location field will default to the currently logged in user’s location)
  • Client location (the ordering location field will default to the Admin Client Location)
  • A specific location (the locations are listed alphabetically)
Check box with checkmark          
Supplier Includes a No default option so that a location can stipulate that it does not want a default supplier even if a system-level default supplier is set for all other locations. If the location-level field were simply left blank rather than set to No default the system-level default supplier would be picked up for that location, which may not be required. Check box with checkmark   Check box with checkmark      
Supplier reference Enter * [star] at supplier/loc level to prevent a higher-level default from being picked up. (This is displayed as No default in the supplier/loc defaults list). Enter : [colon] to clear an existing supplier/loc default so that a higher-level default is picked up.       Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark  
Delivery method Includes a No default option (except at system level) so that you can prevent a higher-level default from being picked up. Also includes a <NULL> option in supplier/locs to clear an existing supplier/loc default. Check box with checkmark   Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark  
Currency Includes a No default option (except at system level) so that you can prevent a higher-level default from being picked up. Also includes a <NULL> option in supplier/locs to clear an existing supplier/loc default.   Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark  

Order Items defaults

For each field listed in the table below, check what level you would like to set the default value at.

Fields Comments OLIB


Supplier -
Supplier -
Media Type
Create copy Includes a No default option (except at system level) so that you can prevent a higher-level default from being picked up. Also includes a <NULL> option in supplier/locs to clear an existing supplier/loc default. Check box with checkmark   Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark  
Delivery period Enter -99999 at supplier/loc level to prevent a higher-level default from being picked up. (This is displayed as No default in the supplier/loc defaults list). Enter -99998 to clear an existing supplier/loc default so that a higher-level default is picked up. Check box with checkmark   Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark  
Copy location Defaults to the ordering location when a new order item record is created.            
Sub-location Defaults from the selected copy location’s default sub-location.            
Shelf Defaults from the selected copy location’s default shelf.            
Copy category Includes a No default option (except at system level) so that you can prevent a higher-level default from being picked up. Also includes a <NULL> option in supplier/locs to clear an existing supplier/loc default. Check box with checkmark   Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark  
Copy status Optionally select the Default Copy Status for all Copies created. This applies to the Location you are logged in as when cataloguing the Copies. Note this takes precedence over the Default Copy Status set in Admin Client Defaults. Includes a No default option (except at system level) so that you can prevent a higher-level default from being picked up. Also includes a <NULL> option in supplier/locs to clear an existing supplier/loc default. Check box with checkmark   Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark  
Payment account Includes a No default option (except at system level) so that you can prevent a higher-level default from being picked up. Also includes a <NULL> option in supplier/locs to clear an existing supplier/loc default.

Note that this is an Account rather than an Account Instance. Specifying an account rather than an account instance means that you won’t have to change your defaults when you roll over your account instances to the next financial period. Whilst placing the order, OLIB selects the 'current' Account Instance automatically (ie the one that covers the date on which the order is being placed).
Check box with checkmark   Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark  
Discount rate         Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark Check box with checkmark
Can Cancel Invoiced Orders (Y/N) Set to Yes if you want to be able to cancel an outstanding order item, even though an invoice has already been completed for it. The default behaviour - <NULL> or No, means that staff cannot cancel outstanding order items if an invoice has been completed for it. Check box with checkmark          
Tax rate             Check box with checkmark
Claim Sequence             Check box with checkmark

About adding Supplier/Location-level defaults

These defaults are for each Location for a given supplier. For example the Dawson Books defaults for the University Main Library; Dawson Books defaults for St. George's Library, and so on.

The OLIB interface allows for fast entry of the defaults for each Location:

  1. Go to Acquisitions> Publishers/Suppliers and click the Supplier Details tab.
  2. In modify mode, scroll to the foot of the sheet and select a Location from the drop down.
  3. Select all the default values as they apply between this Supplier and the Location.
  4. On completion click >>.

 Note: To modify existing Supplier/Location defaults, select your location in the Location field and set the fields that you want to change to the required values. Click >> on completion. Only the fields that you entered a value in will be changed in your location’s supplier/loc defaults record. If you leave a field blank, it will remain set to its previous value when you click the double-arrow button.

You can clear a field in your location's existing Supplier/Location defaults so that OLIB uses a higher level default. To do this, select the <NULL> value or some other special character as specified in the table above. Click >> on completion.

<Null>, No default, or None?

These options are available in many of the drop downs instead of choosing the reference data values.

  • <NULL>: Available in Supplier/Locations. This means that any existing value will be cleared, so that a higher level default will apply.
  • No default: Use this to prevent a higher-level default from being picked up.
  • None: You can specify there should be 'none' in a field to indicate that the field should not default to anything when you create a new order/order item, i.e. so that a higher-level default is not picked up. The table indicates what to enter in each direct entry field to specify 'none' in that field.