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About outputting orders

Discover the options available for outputting orders in OLIB Acquisitions.

After you have processed an order and all the order items, you normally output the order to the relevant Supplier. OLIB has a number of options:

  • Alerting email - Sends the order and details of order items in an email to the Supplier's email address. The Notice Text in Notices determines the body of the output. The email order is sent when you set the order to Outstanding.
  • Email with rtf attachment - Sends an email to the Supplier's email address with the details in an rtf attachment. The attachment is a letter containing details of the order and order items. The email and attachment is sent when you set the order to Outstanding.
  • Print the order - Directly from the Orders domain, choosing from the print layouts available.
  • EDI - OLIB outputs the order after you have set it to Authorised. The EDI driver formulates the EDI message as an email and sends it to the supplier’s EDI email address. When necessary you can also retransmit orders.