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OCLC Support

How to access Amlib on a new staff computer?

Applies to
  • Amlib client software

There is a facility in the Amlib folder under Utility > Icons > IconSetup.exe.

This a wizard that takes you a process, step by step to create a desktop icon and set up the necessary paths and security logins to the database.

  1. The first window displays a welcome message to the Amlib Shared Client Installation Wizard. Click Next.
  2. Click Browse to find the path to the Amlib folder that contains the Amlibtop.exe. This could be a path to a mapped drive on a Server for instance. Highlight the folder and click OK.
  3. Tick the relevant components. Ensure the Admin Tasks are ticked as this will ensure the connection is correct. Click Next.
  4. Enter the Database login and password associated with the databases. If you are unsure of the database passwords, please contact OCLC Support. This will be stored within the Windows/amlib.ini configuration file in an encrypted format. Click Next.
  5. Enter a Menu Folder Name or leave as default (Amlib Library Management System). Click Next.
  6. Ensure the Install desktop icons for selected Components is ticked. Click Next.
  7. The Ready to Install screen will display with a summary of the installation tasks. Click Install.
  8. When complete click the Finish button.
  9. The Installation of the Amlib Client (Shared) is now complete.
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