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Configure Amlib help as a webpage

Learn how to configure Amlib help as a webpage.

Configuring Amlib help as a webpage

Pressing <CTRL> + H in most screens of Amlib will display the Amlib Help menus. These screens are stored in two formats, .doc for use with Microsoft Word and .htm for libraries that do not have access to MS Word.

Amlib’s default is to have the help screens display in doc format. To display these screens in html format, a virtual directory will need to be set up on a server with IIS.

Setting up a Virtual Directory

  1. Open Internet Information Services Manager (IIS). This is usually located in Administrative tools that can be found in Control Panel.
  2. Expand the tree until the Default Web Site (or preferred website) is reached.
  3. Right click on the sire and select Add Application…
  4. Enter an alias for the site; default is ‘amlibhelp’
    Then browse to the physical path of the help files. These files are included in the Amlib client installation. Then click OK.
    (Advanced users may like to use a specific App Pool – please select it here)

Configure Amlib to use HTML help

  1. From within Amlib navigate to Main>Supervisor>Installation
  2. Go to the Other tab and find the entry “Location’s Help Files ref Directory” and enter the url of the virtual directory created. Eg Then press [F3] Save.
  3. Then go to Installation>Advanced Copy
  4. Choose Other for the Parameter set
  5. Scroll down the list to find the entry “Location’s Help Files Ref Directory” and put a tick in the copy box.
  6. Click Select All for the destination locations
  7. Click [F6] Copy
  8. A confirmation prompt should appear
  9. Next time you log into Amlib, CTRL + H will open the help files as a web page.