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Learn about parameters in Amlib SIP2.

The Parameters Window is reached by creating a New Instance from a Vendor or by the Edit Parameters button from the Instances Window

When creating or editing each parameter of an Instance, there 3 main levels

  • Description – Description of the Parameter
  • Message – Message that will appear in the DIY interface
  • Type – Item, Patron or System
Source – Obtain Data for Checking
  • Source Type : Action, Constant, Database, Incoming, Message
  • Null Value : Not Allowed/Allowed
  • Source Value - Depends on the Source Type chosen
Target – Contains Values for Checking…
  • Target Type: Database, DateTimeValue, Decimal Value, IntegerValue, StringList, StringValue
  • Operator : Equal, Not Equal, In, Not In, Greater, Less etc. Restricted by the Target Type
  • Target Value: Entry depends on the Target Type
  • Special – to give a listing of Database Values for inclusion e.g. Borrower Types used so that they can be selected for the parameter or DateNow (for current date)

Note: It is possible to create a New Instance based on the Instance created previously e.g. for different branches

Setting Parameters for a New Instance

Once the Instance has been created from a Vendor the default Parameters will display.

It will be necessary to choose your own Values where there are currently No Target Values Select a parameter and Double click or press Edit. The fields will display in the lower section

Note: The Borrower exists on database (for a check of Invalid Borrower) and Item exists on database (for a check of Invalid Item) are special parameters that MUST be used and cannot be edited except for the Message response

  1. The default Description, Message and Type of the parameter will display
    • Description – Description of the Parameter – it is not recommended that this be edited. However it is allowed as a new Parameter may need to be entered if advised by a Vendor or if a correction to a description is necessary.
    • Message – Message that will appear in the DIY interface – this is the message that the users of the DIY will see if an Issue is blocked for some reason. This can be edited by the site to make the messages more meaningful
    • Type – Item, Patron or System (for Source Type of Messages only) – whether the Data will come from the Item, Patron or System Tables of the database
  2. Check the Source details. Generally it will be the Database Type parameters where the values are to be set
    • Type – Action, Constant, Database, Incoming or Message
    • Null Value – Decide whether a null value (empty field) is allowed. Select NotAllowed/Allowed from the Drop-down options (Note: Allowing a null value is rare. Borrower Group is an example where a null value is recommended)
    • Value – Select the Value as required. This will be dependent on the Instance Type (Patron, Item or System) as well as the Source Type chosen previously
      • If the Source Type is Database, the choices in the Database Table and sub Table are further restricted by the Target Type which is selected
      • For example if the Instance Type is Patron, the Source Type is Database and the Source Value is chosen from the Borrower Table, the Target Type endeavours to set to a suitable Type automatically
      • Note: All the values possible within the selected Table will display – not all are relevant but select only the Value needed for the Source of the Parameter. Some of these Values will never be selected but remain in the list for future use if required

        If changed to Amount Owing, the Target Type will alter
  3. Check the Target values
    • Type – Database, Date Time Value, Decimal Value, Integer Values, String List, String Value.
    • Operator – Select the Operator appropriate. For example In, Not In etc.
    • Value – Select the Database Table and sub Table if relevant
  4. If the Source Value is a Database Table, select relevant codes from the Special button. Tick the codes and OK
  5. When complete, select Apply or Cancel Edit
  6. On Apply, the relevant data will display in the Target Value column in the top section
  7. It is necessary to decide which Parameters will be available for the Instance. These can be used for the Parameters to Check, Screen or Print messages fields etc. in the Instance messages. It is possible to use the Select All button to include all parameters and then go through and deselect any that will not be needed. Two parameters (Borrower – Exists on database and Item – Exists on Database) cannot be deselected as are used by the majority of messages.

    Note: The Parameters that are NOT Selected do not need to have their Target Values created
  8. Click OK to exit and save the parameters set
  9. Hint: If another parameter is to be chosen and the current Parameter is not to be saved, then ensure the Cancel Edit button is chosen prior to selecting the next Parameter to Edit. This will not be allowed until the current Parameter is either applied or cancelled

NOTE: As of version 6.1 you can now set a ‘string’ list for a borrower status code. The code fields on borrower, items on loan, stockitem and reservations tables are now all available for selection when creating parameters.

Editing Parameters for a Saved Instance

Once the Instance has been created and saved, it is possible to alter the Parameters if required

  1. From the Instances Window, highlight the relevant Instance and select Edit Parameters
  2. The Parameters Window will display
  3. Select a parameter and Double click or press Edit. The fields will display in the lower section
  4. The default Description, Message and Type of the parameter will display as described above
  5. After each parameter has been set click Apply
  6. To exit the screen click the OK button

Delete a Parameter

  1. Highlight the Parameter
  2. Click the Delete button.
  3. A check will be made of the Instance Messages, Values and Fields. If the parameter is being used a message will display listing the Message Number and details of the Messages being referenced:
  4. If the Parameter is not referenced it is removed from the Parameter list. A confirmation message will display:

Note: Some parameters are needed and cannot be deleted

Adding a Parameter

  1. Click the New button
  2. Enter the Description, Message and Type of the parameter
  3. Enter the Source Fields
    • Type – choose from the Drop-down options
    • Null Value – Allowed/Disallowed
    • Value – Select the Value from the Drop-down options – Depends on the Source Type. In some instances a Database Table is selected and a Database
  4. Enter the Target values
    • Type
    • Operator
    • Value and sub Value if needed
  5. When complete, select Apply or Cancel Edit
  6. Click OK to leave the Window

Core Parameters



Comments/Message display if Fail

occurs on the Parameter......

Source/Target Examples

ADULT Borrower Type(s) E

Identify Borrower Type for any Adult

– used for populating the information for the Response message rather than parameter to check. Enter code/s for Adult patrons

Message: ADULT Borrower Type

Source: Database Value: Borrower Table: TypeCode Target: StringList Operator: In

Value: xxx,xxx from Special

list of codes

CHILD Borrower Type(s) E

Identify Borrower Type for any Child - used for populating the information for the Response message rather than parameter to check. Enter code/s for Junior patrons

Source: Database Value: Borrower Table: TypeCode Target: StringList Operator: In

Value: xxx,xxx from Special list of codes


Message: CHILD Borrower Type


Exists on Database All Vendors

Hardcoded: Must be included as a parameter and cannot be edited, deleted or unselected

Message: Invalid Borrower

Source: Incoming Operator: Exists Target Type: Database

Fine Limit 3M,E,L,T,

If a Borrower has Money owing - how much the value will be before the Self Check is halted: Allow the issue where the Amount owing is less that 5.00

Message: Your Account has exceeded the allowed limit

Source: Database Value: Borrower Table: Amountowing Target: DecimalValue Operator: Less Value: x.xx

Group (Used to set Internet Access )


Not a Member of a Permitted Group Code (some sites use the Borrower Group code to indicate whether Internet is allowed or No Internet)

Message: Not a member of a permitted Group

Source: Database Value: Borrower Null Value: Allowed Value: Borrower

Table: BorrowerGroupCode

Target: StringList

Operator: NotIN

Value: xx,xx from Special

Memo Count

If a Borrower has a Memo

Source: Action

Value: Borrower MemoCount


Message: Please call at the Service

desk as we have a message for you

Target: IntegerValue Operator: Less Value: 1

Overdues Count

If a Borrower has Overdue Items

Source: Action

Value: Borrower OverduesCount

3M,E,L, T,

Message: You have overdue items on loan. See Library Staff

Owing not equal to 0 E,L,S, T

Borrower has Money owing

Message: There is an amount owing on your Account. See Library Staff

PIN required 3M, E,L,S,T

Borrower needs a Personal Identification Number in addition to a Barcode

Message: Please enter your PIN Number

Registration expired 3M,E,L,S,T

Check Patron Registration Date

Message: Your card is due for re- registration. See Library Staff


Alert 3M,E,L, S,T

An Alert is placed on the Stockitem

Message: This item may not be issued. Please take it to the Information Desk

Allow Cancel of

overdue Charge on Return/Checkin

Allow cancel of Overdue Charge on Return


Note: This parameter only needs to

exist on this Table. Leave as a Constant and will be checked at the time if chosen as a Parameter to Check


Message: Item Charge cancelled

Allow Issue/Checkout/Renew when Item On Loan to another borrower

E,L, ,S,T

If an item is showing as being on loan already.

Note: This parameter only needs to exist on this Table. Leave as a Constant and will be checked at the time if chosen as a Parameter to Check


Message: This item may not be issued.

Please take it to the Information Desk


Allow Issue/Checkout/Renew when Item Reserved by another borrower


If an item is reserved already.

Note: This parameter only needs to exist on this Table. Leave as a Constant and will be checked at the time if chosen as a Parameter to Check

Source: Constant

Value: Y

Target: StringValue Operator: Equal Value: Y


Message: This item may not be issued. Please take it to the Information Desk


Allow Renew of Overdue Item


If an item is Overdue allow renew?

Note: This parameter only needs to exist on this Table. Leave as a Constant and will be checked at the time if chosen as a Parameter to Check

Source: Constant

Value: Y

Target: StringValue Operator: Equal Value: Y


Message: This item is overdue and may


not be renewed


Exists on Database

Hardcoded: Must be included as a

Source: Incoming


parameter and cannot be edited,

Operator: Exists

All Vendors

deleted or unselected

Target Type: Database


Message: Invalid Item


Magnetic Media 3M,E,L,S

Magnetic Media that should not go through the self check

Message: These are sensitive items and cannot be lent via DIY

Source: Database Value: Stockitem Table: Form (select as required)

Target: StringList

Operator: NotIN

Value: xxx,xxx Select from Special (list of codes)

Magnetic Media 3M,E,L,S

Magnetic Media that can go through the self check

Message: These are sensitive items and can be lent via DIY

Source: Database Value: Stockitem Table: Form (select as required)

Target: StringList

Operator: NotIN

Value: xxx,xxx Select from


Special (list of codes)

Memo Count

If an Item has a Memo

Source: Action


Value: Item MemoCount

3M,E, L,T,S,

Message: This item may not be Issue.


Please take it to the Information Desk

Target: IntegerValue


Operator: Less

Not to be removed

Items that should not be removed from

Source: Database Value: Stockitem Table: Form (select as required)

Target: StringList

Operator: NotIN

Value: Select from Special

(list of codes)


the Library. Can’t go through the


Desensitise process


Message: These may be issued but not densitised



Institution ID 3M,E,L,S,T

Message: Name of Library

Source: Message

Target: StringValue Eastville Library

Print message 3M,E,L,S,T

Message for Library

To display for Reports etc.

Source: Message

Target: StringValue Main Branch

Screen Message

Message for Screen

Source: Message


To display on the screen as a Default unless an alternative message displays due to an alert message etc.

Target: StringValue

Thank you for using the Eastville Library


3M = 3M, E = Envisionware, L = Logitrack, S = Smart Library, T = Talking Tech