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Set up and use Library thing Free for cover images on OpenOPAC

Learn how to setup and use LibraryThing on OpenOPAC in Amlib.

LibraryThingFree is a collection of over a million book cover images. These are available for free so you can use them as an enrichment feature in your library catalogue.

In order to use it with your OpenOPAC you need to have a LibraryThing account and a Developer Key.

  1. Firstly sign up/sign in to Library Thing providing a valid email address.
  2. In a separate tab launch your OpenOPAC and select Configuration > Enrichment then select the grey ‘?’ (Question mark).
  3. Follow the link under LibraryThingFree: Dev Key=

  4. Once here select LibraryThing Developer Key.

    NOTE: if you are not signed in to LibraryThing you will not be taken to the correct page. You must be signed in in order to obtain your key.

    The Catch? To get covers, you’ll need a LibraryThing Developer Key—any member can get one. This puts a top limit on the number of covers you can retrieve per day—currently 1,000 covers.
  5. Here you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions and enter your full name. Your developer key will appear on the next screen.
  6. If the Devkey does not appear immediately it will soon be sent to you via email. There may be a slight delay in obtaining the key as all developer accounts need to be approved by LibraryThing staff.
  7. Once you have been assigned one, you can access your Developer Key at any time by signing in to LibraryThing and heading following this link: http://www.librarything.com/services/keys.php

To use you’re key to get cover images on OpenOPAC:

  1. Go to your OpenOPAC and select Configuration>Enrichment.
  2. On the Type dropdown box select LibraryThingFree
  3. Make sure you have ticked Use for Covers
  4. In the Parameters box type in: DevKey= then cut and paste in your Devkey from the Library Thing site.

    Your screen should look like this.

  5. Scroll down the page and select Save.
  6. To check if this change has been implemented perform a search of your catalogue on a popular title. Those covers which are available via LibraryThingFree should turn up as part of your results.