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Settings required in the Amlib Client

Learn about the OpenOPAC settings required in the Amlib Client.

Supervisor Settings

There are some new settings in the Amlib Client, specifically for the use of OpenOPAC that affects how OPEN is used or set up. Go to Main > Supervisor >Default Screen >Installation > Other Tab > Scroll down to you see these OPEN ….statements. The most important ones are whether want to use PINS or not when the patrons log in needs to be set in here and ensure you set OPEN Web enquiry enabled to Y – as this connects Amlib to OpenOPAC for connecting & updating purposes

Explanation of Supervisor > Installation > Other Settings


OPEN - Default borrower status PEN

When a borrower joins online this is the Status that they will be given, until Library staff has processed the new patron and checked their details.

OPEN - Default borrower type A

This is the default Borrower type given to all borrowers, unless otherwise specified by librarians, when a patron joins online

OPEN - Log Search Terms (YN) Y

This enable a log file to be created of terms being searched by patrons, which you can view ……

OPEN - Maximum Amount for Borrower owing 20.00

Renewals will only be allowed if the borrower owes no more than the amount set in here

OPEN - Maximum overdue days for Item renewal 10

Renewals will only be allowed if the item is not more than this amount of days overdue

OPEN - Only display RESRET memos when item is at collection

location (YN) Y

If a reserve is placed, then a memo will be placed on the borrowers details, when it’s ready for collection

OPEN - Reserve on loan items only (YN) Y

If set to Y - then a Reserve can only be placed on items that are currently on loan and not available on the shelves.

OPEN Web enquiry enabled Y

This indicates that OpenOPAC is required as your OPAC and it also turns on the Open Transactions table and services, so this information is transferred to this table before being uploaded into OpenOPAC when certain changes are made in Amlib [see explanation of Open Transactions ]


Reservation Pickups

Certain settings are required against the locations in the Main > Supervisor > Installation > All tab. To ensure that only a correct list of locations for a reservation pick up are displayed - when a patron completes a reservation request. If you want the location to appear you need Y set against all 3

If you do not want the location listed for a reservation Pick up then you need to set a couple of these settings to N instead > select F3Save and log out of Amlib once you have made all changes required.

NOTE: If you make these changes after you have upgraded to the latest version, you will need to log in as the Administrator and select the configuration area > select Upload tab and do the following:

    • Clear search index
    • Upload all Catalogues
    • Upload Masterdata
    • Upload Suggestions
    • Click Save

Restart IIS and refresh your browser, to enable the changes to your locations

Location as filters for items [left-hand side]

To ensure the correct list displays here for your patrons – the settings can be the same as you have for your reservation pick-up locations, unless there is one location that is in the library where items are kept that you want your patrons to be able to search, when using the filters – you would then change just that location and this setting below to Y

If you make this change after installing or upgrading OpenOPAC you will need to log in

as the Administrator and select the configuration area > select Upload tab and do the following:

    • Clear search index
    • Upload all Catalogues
    • Upload Masterdata
    • Upload Suggestions
    • Click Save

Restart IIS and refresh your browser, to enable the changes to your locations to display.

Statistic codes

Statistic Codes for OPEN have been set up in Supervisor > Stat Params, so that statistics can be collected and run in reports. Successful and unsuccessful searches conducted in both NetOpac and OpenOPAC can be seen in the OpacQueries screen also, by using these Stat codes.

Open Log of Search terms

When a patron conducts a search and you have selected Y in the supervisor setting: OPEN - Log Search Terms (Y/N) if Y selected, a log file will be created for all searches being conducted. You can view these by going to Main > Supervisor > Supervisor >Library menu > Opacs > OpacQueries

You can search by a Date range and you can also choose to see if the search terms returned data or not, by selecting the N or Y in the drop-down menu. If you want to see all that has been searched then select the blank option and if data was not retuned for a search you will see N in the data found column.

Open Targets

This table can be found here > Main > Supervisor > Supervisor > Library Menu Tab > OpenTargets, This feature is only required for Libraries using Group Security and so it will mostly appear grey in the drop down menu, unless you are a library requiring this. It can be turned on in the Supervisor> Installation > System settings. This table enables setting up of multiple installations of OPEN for different groups and their updating from Amlib when group security is enabled [used in South Africa mostly]