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Borrower subject interests

Find information about subject special interests, including how to setup and modify special interests, special interest reports, and printing email reports in Amlib.

Subject (special) interests

It is possible for library patrons and staff to create a list of Subject (Special) Interests which can be viewed via the Net Opacs.

The NetOPACs must first be configured to allow users to set-up and display their Special Interests.

Configure: NetOPACs

NetOPAC Pages

To allow patrons to set-up and view the subject interests via the NetOPACs, the Borrower Details screen (BorShow.htm) will need to include the following placeholders:

Special Interest Placeholders:

  • INTERESTS1 – Will show New items since the first Opac interest date (as specified in Main >Supervisor > Opacs > OpacEnqOptions settings)
  • INTERESTS2 – Will show new (Other)items since the later Opac date (as specified in the Supervisor settings above)
  • INTERESTS3 – Will show All items which are of interest to the borrower on database (regardless of accession date)
  • SUBJECT INTERESTS – will display a link to the BorInterests.htm page (which allows users to setup and modify their Borrower Interests)

  • The BorShow.htm page can typically be found in the NetOPACs/Samples/YourPages/ folder on the NetOPACs server.
  • One or more of the INTERESTS placeholders need be defined. If defined they will result in a hyperlink which, when selected, takes the borrower to an item list.
  • The SUBJECTINTERESTS link requires a second page to allow users to set-up and modify their Subject interests called BorInterests.htm. This page should be located in the same folder as BorShow.htm. If you do not have a copy, please contact Amlib Support, who will supply you with a copy.
  • Once the borshow.htm has been amended and saved in the Net OPACS folder then simply refresh the Net OPAC screens for this change to be available.
  • The Borrower Details screen should now feature hyperlinks to all three levels of Borrower Special Interests, and one to Setup Special Interests.

Web Opac Parameters

Once the pages have been setup, then the NetOPACs need to be configured to allow the use of certain functions.

Please Note: You will need to perform this operation on a PC that has network access to the NetOPACs server or on the actual NetOPACs server itself.

  1. Open the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Supervisor > WebParams – the Web Opac Parameters screen will open
  3. From the main menu, select Html Parameters > Open...
  4. The Net Opacs Setup browse screen will open
  5. Navigate to drive containing your NetOPACs pages, and then locate the folder containing your NetOPAC pages themselves. The default location for these pages is generally a folder in the NetOPACs/Samples folder.

    For example: The pages being accessed in the above screenshot are in C:\NetOPACs\Samples\51_EasyTabs folder. You may find that your pages are in a personalised folder – for example: C:\NetOPACs\Samples\oclclibweb. Occasionally the files will be in a folder called Live (rather than the samples folder) – for example: C:\NetOPACs\Live\oclclibweb. For pages located on a Network server, then the location may be as follows: E:\NetOPACs\Samples\oclclibweb
  6. An .ini file will be visible, select it and click on the Open button – the NetOPACs Setup screen will open

    Please Note: Most recent NetOPAC installations employ only a single .ini file called Item_Result.ini or ReserveOn.ini – if this is the case then select that. If there is more than one .ini file visible, then open both in turn and cross-check the settings to determine the most appropriate .ini file to use.
  7. Select the Borrower Details (Borrower.htm) template in the Search Screens & Lists box
  8. Then click on the Setup button – the Screen Types screen will open.
  9. Select the Screen Type, in this case: Borrower Details and click on the OK button – the Borrower Details screen will open
  10. You will then be able to check (and alter) the following settings:
    1. Borrower Interests Template = BorInterests.htm
    2. List Template for Borrower Interests = ItemList.htm (it is possible to link it to a customised version of the ItemList.htm version should you so wish)
    3. Allow Marc List = ticked (allows linking to the complete MARC record from the Borrower Interests screen in the NetOPACs)
    4. Allow Reserve = ticked (allows users to Reserve items from the Borrower Interests screen in the NetOPACs)
  11. Click on OK button to save changes to the Borrower Details settings – the Borrower Details screen will close
  12. Click on the OK button
  13. The following message will then appear:
  14. Click on the OK button

Recompile NetOPAC Pages

When changes are made to the Net OPAC pages or the Net OPAC amlib.ini file, then it is necessary to recompile the pages and restart the service manager for these changes to fully take effect.

  1. From the Web Opacs Parameters menu, select Html Parameters > Compile
  2. The Net Opacs Compile window will open – navigate to the folder containing your web pages
  3. Select the .ini file edited above. Then click on the Open button
  4. The NetOPACs Compile screen will appear, requesting that you type in a Web User Code. This code denotes your Net OPAC instance. If you are running more than one set of Net OPAC pages (for example: a Junior and Senior set of pages) then you will be using more than one code. Typically, the first instance is designated a and the second b and so on. If you have only one set of pages, then just type in a.
  5. Click on the OK button.
  6. Amlib will now compile these pages (and the amlib.ini file). The following message will appear once complete:

Restart the NetOPAC WebConsole / Service Manager

Once this is complete, you will need to restart the Net Opac WebConsole or Service Manger (for example: FireDaemon)

To restart the WebConsole:

  1. Now the WebConsole is probably already running, so maximise the WebConsole window.
  2. You will then need to reload it using the code you entered at Step 4 in the above section. So in the Style box, type the code you used at step 4 (leave as ‘a’ if you compiled as ‘a’) and then press the orange ReLoad button. That will take a few seconds and then it will be ready to test.
  3. The WebConsole has now been restarted.

To restart the Service Manager:

  1. If you using FireDaemon or a similar Service Manager, then open the Service manager from your Programs listing.
  2. Select the Net Opacs WebConsole, click on the Stop button, and then the Start button.
  3. The service has now been restarted.

Setup/View/Modify Special Interests

The Special Interests can be setup, viewed and modified in the NetOPACs, Amlib client and in the Opac client.


It is possible for library clients to set up their own Special Interests via the NetOPACs screen

  1. Launch a NetOPACs session
  2. Logon to the Borrower Details screen

To view current Special Interests:

  1. In the New Items Matching Your Special Interests Profile (text will vary) select either the New, Other or All link (see Supervisor settings for more information)
  2. A result list of matching items will then open

To set up a Special Interest:

  1. In the Setup / Modify Your Special Interests (Subject Interest) select the Setup Special Interests link
  2. The Borrower Interest screen will open
  3. If you have any interests already saved, they will appear in the Current Interests list
  4. In the Add Interests to Your Profile section, enter a brief Search Term: – for example: football
  5. Click the Search button – a result list will display
  6. Select the terms you would like to set up Subjects interests for by placing a tick in the corresponding box
  7. Click the Add Selected button
  8. The selected items will be added to the Current Interests list

To delete a Special Interest:

  1. In the Setup / Modify Your Special Interests (Subject Interest) select the Setup Special Interests link
  2. The Borrower Interest screen will open
  3. If you have any interests already saved, they will appear in the Current Interests list
  4. Select an entry you would like to delete from the list by placing a tick in the corresponding box
  5. Click the Delete Selected button
  6. A pop-up will appear asking: Are you sure you want to delete these interests?
  7. Click the OK button
  8. The selected items will be removed from the Current Interests list

Amlib Client

It is also possible for library staff to set up Special Interests for clients

  1. Launch the Amlib client
  2. Open the Borrower module
  3. Select XReferences > SubjectInterests
  4. This will then open the Borrower Special Interest Authority Headings screen

    From this list you can then obtain a list of StockItems or Catalogue records with these Authority headings. The list will show items that have been received within the period selected on the window.

    The default is to whatever has been set up in System Supervisor for the borrower subject interest queries in the Client Opac (see below). Staff may select to view 1 Wk (week), 2 wks, 1 mth (month), 3 mths, 6 mths or Year (1 year).
  5. In the Search Term box at the bottom of the screen, type the beginning of a subject heading or author
  6. Click the F5 Query button
  7. A list of results will display in the Browse List
  8. To select headings from the Browse List, highlight the desired heading and click the F2 Insert button
  9. This will add the term to the Current Interests list. Multiple search terms may be selected using this procedure
  10. Click the F1 Clear button if you would like to clear the Browse List – you can then type in a new search query
  11. Save the list by clicking the F3 Save button
  12. You will get a confirmation message: Update Subject List?
  13. Click on the Yes button

To delete unwanted subject groups:

  1. Highlight the heading you would like to delete in the Current Interest list
  2. Click the F4 Delete button
  3. You will get a confirmation message Delete Current Subject Reference?
  4. Click on the Yes button
  5. This will mark the item for deletion
  6. Click the F3 Update button to remove the marked items from the list
  • Clicking the F6 Refresh button will refresh the Current Interest list – returning it to the state of the last F3 Update. Any terms that you have added to the list (but not saved) will be removed.

To access the Subject Interest lists from within the Amlib client:

  1. The F7 Cats button displays a listing of Catalogue records created or imported since the New in Last period selected. If only one catalogue record is found, the catalogue details will display in the Catalogue screen. If more than one item is found, a table of catalogue records will display.
  2. The F8 Items button displays a listing of Stockitem records created or imported since the New in Last period selected. If only one item is found, the stockitem details will display in the Stockitem screen. If more than one item is found, a table of stockitems will display.

Borrowers can be alerted to items recently received by the Library in areas of special interest to them either via the Borrower details page in the Net Opac or via a Report.

Special Interest Reports

Borrower Special Interest reports are often set up notify patrons of new items. Borrower Special Interests reports include:

  • &BORINT.QRP – Borrower Interest (Letter)
  • &BORINEM.QRP Borrower Interests (Email)

Check the Template

  1. Open the Amlib client
  2. Go to Main > Reports > RepAddNew
  3. The Report Files window will open
  4. From the Report Entity drop-down, select the Borrower
  5. highlight the &BORINT.QRP or &BORINEM.QRP template from the list you would like to check
  6. Click on the F2 Modify button – the Borrower - Modify Report File screen will open
  7. Choose Type – ensure the relevant email type is selected – for example: Borrower Interests Reports (Letter) or – Borrower Interest Reports E-mail (Email)
  8. You can leave Default Stats Code blank.
  9. Update Entity (Y/N) = N
  10. Click on the F3 Update button
  11. Close out of the Report Files window

The template is now correctly loaded and available for use in a Report.

Create the Report

  1. Go to Main > Reports > RepBorrower – the RepBorrower screen will open
  2. Select the F1 New button – the Select Report Format screen will open
  3. Highlight either the &BORINT.QRP or BORINEM.QRP template and click the Select button
  4. Type in a Report Description – for example: New Books
  5. Update Entity (Y/N) = N
  6. Click the F3 Save button
  7. Select F7 Where – the Borrower Reports – Where screen will open
  8. A suitable F7 Where statement may include some of the following:
    • Date Received >= Current Date – 2 weeks
    • BorType = A (for Adult)
  9. The F7 Where statement for the email report must include the following settings:
    • Bor Email Address IS NOT NULL (Paste without placing a value in 3)
    • Bor Use Email = Y
  10. Click the F3 Save button
  11. To check the report results, click the F8 View button
  12. To print a non-email report, simply click the print button

The report is now ready to be printed

Printing Email Reports

Using the Scheduler has two benefits over running reports via F8 View: It allows you to schedule regularly run reports so that staff do not have to do it manually each time, and it allows for further functions as part of the report such as updating Borrower/Stockitem history, creating financial accounts, changing records in the database and adding report information to your statistics. Email reports MUST be run via the Scheduler.

This section will take you through setting up a report to use RepStartSchedule.

Start the Scheduler

  1. From the Report screen (Main > Reports > RepCirculation or RepReservation), select Application > RepStartSchedule
  2. The Report Scheduler screen will then open
  3. Select your printing options: Ensure Email is ticked
  4. Also decide If a report is scheduled by another user do you still want to print it? = Yes/No
  5. Then select the OK button
  6. After selecting “OK”, if you go back into the Application menu you will see that RepStartSchedule is now greyed out with a tick next to it – this indicates that the Scheduler is now running

Please Note: If you need to restart the scheduler at any point, you will need to log out of all Report screens (Ctrl + L) and start at the beginning of these instructions.

Scheduling the Report

  1. With your report highlighted, select the F6 Print button
  2. A Print box will display where you can select from the following options:
    1. From:
      • Database (to search the entire database)
    2. To:
      • E-mail (to email it to patrons)
    3. Frequency:
      • Once Only (if this is the only time you’re going to print this report)
      • Daily (if you plan to send it every day)
      • Weekly (if this is a once a week item)
      • Monthly (if this is to be printed every calendar month)
      • Every __days (if you want to set a specific schedule
    4. Schedule:
      • First Print Date (the day you want this report to begin its schedule)
      • First Print Time (specifies the exact minutes the report will run)
    5. Selected Printer:
      • You can specify any active printer on the network to print to – including virtual printer drivers such as a third party software that allows you to print to PDF (For example: CutePDF Writer)
  3. Once you have selected all of your settings, select the OK button

Check Print Progress

  1. You can check the progress of your reports at any time by going into Main > Reports > RepPrintProgress
  2. If your library uses the scheduler for a lot of reports, you can select a frequency type from the Filter drop-down menu at the top.
  3. You can also click through the three tab options at the top to see the ones that are Waiting, Running, or have already been Printed.
  4. Your report will show up in “Printed” when it is complete.