Delete authority subfields
Learn how to delete authority subfields by running the Marc Tag Maintenance and rebuilding an authority key in Amlib.
Check the Tag is set to be an Authority
To use the authority Marc Tag Maintenance option, all the subfields in your chosen Tag must have the Authority (Y/N) column set to Y (the exception to this is the 245 | Title Statement Tag which has no Authority (Y/N) setting).
To check this:
- Launch the Amlib client
- Go to Main > Authorities > MarcTags – the Marc Tags Within the System screen will display
- Highlight the Tag (for example: 984) and click the F7 SubF button – the Tag Subfields screen will display:
- In the Authority (Y/N) column, all subfields should be set to Y
- If not, change all the Authority (Y/N) entries to Y (they can be changed back later if you wish to do so)
- Click the F3 Update button when complete
Run the Marc Tag Maintenance
Remove a Subfield from a nominated Authority Tag. For example: remove the Responsibility data from the 245 | Title Statement Tag (Subfield c).
- Go to Main > Authorities > MarcTagMaintenance – the Marc Tag Maintenance screen will display:
- Enter the following settings:
- Choose the Marc Tag Maintenance Task: drop-down, select: Add a subfield to a tag ( replaces existing ) or leave text blank to delete a subfield
- Specify which Marc Tags(s) to apply the change to: click on the Select Tags... button, select the Tag (for example: 245 | Title Statement) and then click the OK button
- Select other options relating to the maintenance task: leave blank (to apply to all tags) or click the Options... button to apply the change to a previously created Authorities Saved Query Results File
- New subfield type = enter the subfield (for example: c)
- Enter text below = enter no text in the box (if no data is added , the existing subfield will be deleted)
- Choose the Marc Tag Maintenance Task: drop-down, select: Add a subfield to a tag ( replaces existing ) or leave text blank to delete a subfield
- Click the F3 Start button – a prompt with the following message will display:
You have not entered any subfield data therefore any subfield of type c found for the XXX tag will be deleted.
Continue Yes/No?
- Click the Yes button to proceed – once the process is completed, a prompt with the following message will display: The XXX Subfields have been added / deleted. The XXX Authorities have been processed and XXX Authorities have been deleted.
- Click the OK button
Rebuilding an Authority Key
If an Authority parameter is altered, the authorities already on the system will not be altered to the new parameter. By running this option, the authorities will be refreshed according to the new parameters. This option also allows for the Catalogue and Stockitem displays to be updated.
- Go to Main > Authorities > MarcTagMaintenance – the Marc Tag Maintenance screen will display
- Enter the following settings:
- Choose the Marc Tag Maintenance Task: drop-down, select: Add a subfield to a tag ( replaces existing ) or leave text blank to delete a subfield
- Specify which Marc Tags(s) to apply the change to: click on the Select Tags... button, select the Tag (for example: 245 | Title Statement) and then click the OK button
- Select other options relating to the maintenance task: click the Options... button – the Authority Rebuild Options prompt will display:
- Tick both the Refresh Catalogue Display and Refresh Stockitem Display options and click the OK button
- The 4. New subfield type box will be greyed out
- Choose the Marc Tag Maintenance Task: drop-down, select: Add a subfield to a tag ( replaces existing ) or leave text blank to delete a subfield
- Click the F3 Start button – once the process is completed, a prompt with the following message will display: A total of XX Authority Keys have been rebuilt.
- Click the OK button