
Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Year number (yr:) index.

Number (yr:)


  Connexion FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery
Label yr:
Search? Ja Ja Ja
Browse? --- --- ---
  • Enter years of publication.
  • To exclude a year or years, use not yr — su=september 11 terrorist attacks not yr:1994
  • Enter single year or range of years or specify as shown in the following examples:
    • Single year: ti=huckleberry finn and yr:1994
    • Decade: ti=huckleberry finn and yr:199?
    • Century: ti=huckleberry finn and yr:19??
    • Single year and all later years: ti=huckleberry finn and yr:1999-
    • SIngle year and all earlier years: ti=huckleberry finn and yr:-1960
    • Range of years:
       Note: FirstSearch requires that each year is four digits long.
      • ti=huckleberry finn and yr:1980-3
      • ti=to the lighthouse and yr:1899-940
  • If the year has fewer than four numbers, add leading zeroes to make the date four digits long — yr:0099.
  • For unknown dates (code u), substitute zero.
  • In Date1, 19uu — yr:1900.
  • For no date, enter zeroes — mt:dvd and yr:0000.
  • Enter years of publication.
  • To exclude a year or years, use NOT yr — su=september 11 terrorist attacks NOT yr:1994
  • Enter single year or range of years or specify as shown in the following examples:
    • Single year: ti=huckleberry finn AND yr:1994
    • Decade: ti=huckleberry finn AND yr:199?
    • Century: ti=huckleberry finn AND yr:19??
    • Single year and all later years: ti=huckleberry finn AND yr:1999-
    • Single year and all earlier years: ti=huckleberry finn AND yr:-1960
    • Range of years:

       Note: Collection Manager and Discovery users must use two periods (..) instead of a dash for date ranges.

      • ti=huckleberry finn AND yr:1980-3 or ti=huckleberry finn AND yr:1980..3
        • (Collection Manager) ti=huckleberry finn AND yr:1980..1983
      • ti=to the lighthouse AND yr:1899-940 or ti=to the lighthouse AND yr:1899..940
        • (Collection Manager) ti=to the lighthouse AND yr:1899..1940
  • If the year has fewer than four numbers, add leading zeroes to make the date four digits long — yr:0099.
  • For unknown dates (code u), substitute zero.
  • In Date1, 19uu — yr:1900.
  • For no date, enter zeroes — mt:dvd AND yr:0000.
  • 008/07-10
  • 046 c
Qualifier index? Ja
  • Use to limit searches.
  • See Combine, qualify, and expand searches for more information.
  • Enter either as a slash qualifier or enter with index label and colon:
    • ti=huckleberry finn/1994
    • ti=huckleberry finn and yr:1994
  • Use to limit searches.
  • See Combine, qualify, and expand searches for more information.
  • Enter date:
    • In the Year box
    • In the expert Search for box, add to search string with index and colon (:).
  • Use to limit searches.
  • See Combine, qualify, and expand searches for more information.
  • To search date ranges, enter the search on the Advanced search page and limit by year. End year must be 4 digits.
  • These types of searches are permissible:
    • Only decade known: yr:201?
    • Only century known: yr:20??
    • Single year and all later years: yr:2012-
    • Single year and all earlier years: yr:-2012