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OCLC Support


Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the LCCN number (ln: or nl:) and number phrase (ln= or nl=) indexes.

Also called LC Control Number in FirstSearch.

Number (ln: or nl:)


Label ln:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • ln:32000014
  • ln:32-14
  • ln:2002-580246
  • ln:2002580246
  • ln:^92-5625
  • ln:^925625
Fields/Subfields 010 a b z
Qualifier index? Nein
  • Enter with or without hyphen.
  • Include year portion (2 or 4 digits).
  • Prefixes can be immediately connected to the number or removed.
  • Use circumflex (^) to exclude LCCNs that have prefixes.
  • The number is searchable as it is stored, with the year and then six digits with leading zeroes for unused digits, or as it is often displayed, without zeroes.

FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections

Label nl:
Search? Ja
Browse? Ja
  • nl:32000014
  • nl:32-14
  • nl:2002-580246
  • nl:2002580246
  • nl:^92-5625
  • nl:^925625
Fields/Subfields 010 a b z
Qualifier index? Nein
  • Also called LC Control Number.
  • Enter with or without hyphen.
  • Include year portion (2 or 4 digits).
  • Prefixes can be immediately connected to the number or removed.
  • Use circumflex (^) to exclude LCCNs that have prefixes.
  • The number is searchable as it is stored, with the year and then six digits with leading zeroes for unused digits, or as it is often displayed, without zeroes.

WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery

Label nl:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • 2005921149
  • 2005-921149
Fields/Subfields 010 a b z
Qualifier index? Nein
  • Enter with or without hyphen.
  • Include year portion (2 or 4 digits).
  • Prefixes can be immediately connected to the number or removed.
  • Use circumflex (^) to exclude LCCNs that have prefixes.
  • The number is searchable as it is stored, with the year and then six digits with leading zeroes for unused digits, or as it is often displayed, without zeroes.


Label ln:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • 2005921149
  • 2005-921149
Fields/Subfields 010 a b z
Qualifier index? Nein
  • Enter with or without hyphen.
  • Include year portion (2 or 4 digits).
  • Prefixes can be immediately connected to the number or removed.
  • The number is searchable as it is stored, with the year and then six digits with leading zeroes for unused digits, or as it is often displayed, without zeroes.

Number phrase (ln= or nl=)


Label ln=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields 010 a b z
Qualifier index? Nein
  • Enter with or without hyphen.
  • Include year portion (2 or 4 digits).
  • Use circumflex (^) to exclude LCCNs with prefixes.
  • Performs an unanchored phrase search.

FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections

Label ---
Search? ---
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields ---
Qualifier index? ---
Notes ---

WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery

Label nl=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields 010 a b z
Qualifier index? Nein
  • Enter with or without hyphen.
  • Include year portion (2 or 4 digits).
  • Use circumflex (^) to exclude LCCNs with prefixes.
  • Performs an unanchored phrase search.


Label nl=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields 010 a b z
Qualifier index? Nein
  • Enter with or without hyphen.
  • Include year portion (2 or 4 digits).