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Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Language word (la: or ln:) and phrase (la= or ln=) indexes.

Word (la: or ln:)


Label ia:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • la:eng
  • la:english
  • 008/35-37
  • 041 a (if indicator 1 = 0)
  • 041 b d e f g j
  • 377 a
Qualifier index? Ja
  • 3-character code or language name.
  • See the MARC Code List for Languages for lists of language names 3-character codes.
  • Use to limit a search to records with one or more languages (see more in Combine, qualify, and expand searches).
  • Code zxx is a valid language code in records for items that have no associated language (for example, scores or sound recordings with no sung or spoken text).

FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections

Label ln:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • ln:eng
  • ln:english
  • 008/35-37
  • 041 a (if indicator 1 = 0)
  • 041 b d e f g j
  • 377 a
Qualifier index? Ja
  • 3-character code or language name.
  • See the MARC Code List for Languages for lists of language names 3-character codes.
  • Use to limit a search to records with one or more languages (see more in Combine, qualify, and expand searches).
  • Code zxx is a valid language code in records for items that have no associated language (for example, scores or sound recordings with no sung or spoken text).

WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery

Label ln:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • ln:eng
  • ln:english
  • 008/35-37
  • 041 a (if indicator 1 = 0)
  • 041 b d e f g j
  • 377 a
Qualifier index? Ja
  • 3-character code or language name.
  • See the MARC Code List for Languages for lists of language names 3-character codes.
  • Use to limit a search to records with one or more languages (see more in Combine, qualify, and expand searches).
  • Code zxx is a valid language code in records for items that have no associated language (for example, scores or sound recordings with no sung or spoken text).

Label ln:
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • greenhouse NOT ln:eng
  • 008/35-37
  • 041 a (if indicator 1 = 0)
  • 041 b d e f g j
  • 377 a
Qualifier index? Ja
  • ln: must be paired with the NOT operator.

Language (Primary) - Phrase (la= or ln=)


Label la=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • la=fre
  • kw:coffeehouse* and la=japanese
Fields/Subfields 008/35-37
Qualifier index? Ja
  • In FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections, searchable by 008 language code only; see MARC Code List for Languages for the list of codes.
  • Use to limit a search to records with one primary language (see more about limiting searches in Combine, qualify, and expand searches).
  • Code zxx is a valid language code in records for items that have no associated language (for example, scores or sound recordings with no sung or spoken text).

FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections

Label la=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
  • la=fre
  • kw:coffeehouse* and la=jpn
Fields/Subfields 008/35-37
Qualifier index? Ja
  • In FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections, searchable by 008 language code only; see MARC Code List for Languages for the list of codes.
  • Use to limit a search to records with one primary language (see more about limiting searches in Combine, qualify, and expand searches).
  • Code zxx is a valid language code in records for items that have no associated language (for example, scores or sound recordings with no sung or spoken text).

WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery

Label ln=
Search? Ja
Browse? ----
  • ln=fre
  • kw:coffeehouse* AND ln=japanese
Fields/Subfields 008/35-37
Qualifier index? Ja
  • In FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections, searchable by 008 language code only; see MARC Code List for Languages for the list of codes.
  • Use to limit a search to records with one primary language (see more about limiting searches in Combine, qualify, and expand searches).
  • Code zxx is a valid language code in records for items that have no associated language (for example, scores or sound recordings with no sung or spoken text).

Label ---
Search? ---
Browse? ---
Examples ---
Fields/Subfields ---
Qualifier index? ---
Notes ---