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OCLC Support

Cataloging Source

Find the fields, subfields, notes, and product availability for the Cataloging Source phrase (cs=) index.

Searches for the Cataloging Source phrase.

Phrase (cs=)


Label cs=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
Examples cs=osl
Fields/Subfields 040 a c
Qualifier index? Ja
  • Use a single OCLC institution symbol per search.
  • Use to limit searches.
  • For Library of Congress records: To retrieve records contributed by the Library of Congress or by specific LC cooperative programs, use the Cooperative Programs index (dl:) with value y (dl:y).
  • Performs an anchored phrase search.

FirstSearch and Collection Manager query collections

Label cs=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
Examples cs=osl
Fields/Subfields 040 a c
Qualifier index? Ja
  • Use a single OCLC institution symbol per search.
  • Use to limit searches.
  • For Library of Congress records: To retrieve records contributed by the Library of Congress or by specific LC cooperative programs, use the Cooperative Programs index (dl:) with value y (dl:y).
  • Performs an anchored phrase search.

WorldShare and WorldCat Discovery

Label cs=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
Examples cs=osl
Fields/Subfields 040 a c
Qualifier index? Ja
  • Use a single OCLC institution symbol per search.
  • Use to limit searches.
  • For Library of Congress records: To retrieve records contributed by the Library of Congress or by specific LC cooperative programs, use the Cooperative Programs index (dl:) with value y (dl:y).
  • Performs an anchored phrase search.


Label cs=
Search? Ja
Browse? ---
Examples greenhouse NOT cs=osl
Fields/Subfields 040 a c
Qualifier index? Ja
  • cs= must be paired with the NOT operator