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OCLC Support

Upcoming Tipasa training

Register to attend a live training course on Tipasa.

Tipasa Training series

This series comprises three 60-minute courses: Introduction to Tipasa, Tipasa Borrowing workflows, and Tipasa Lending workflows. You can register to either or all of the three classes.

Introduction to Tipasa


Description This course provides a high-level overview of Tipasa staff and patron features and functionality, including customization options.
Date/Time Thursday, June 5, 2025 Eastern Daylight Savings Time [UTC -4].
Cancellation policy In the event of low attendance, OCLC may cancel a training session. In this situation, registrants will be notified by email before the session.
Recordings A recording of this course will be posted following the live session. A previous recording can be found here.
Supplemental materials Learner guide

Access the course quiz

After completing the course and course quiz, please take a few moments to complete this brief survey.

Tipasa Borrowing workflows


Description This course provides the basic skills needed to process and manage borrowing requests in Tipasa. In this course, you will learn how  to process and manage loan and copy requests, how to enable and use the U.S. copyright feature for copy requests, how to enable and use the document delivery functionality for those items owned by your library, and how to take advantage of automation and notification options to provide a seamless experience to your patrons. 

Thursday, June 12, 2025 Eastern Daylight Savings Time [UTC -4].

Cancellation policy In the event of low attendance, OCLC may cancel a training session. In this situation, registrants will be notified by email before the session.
Recordings A recording of this course will be posted following the live session. 
Supplemental materials Learner guide

After completing the course, please take a few moments to complete this brief survey.

Tipasa Lending workflows


Description This course provides the basic skills needed to respond to lending requests in Tipasa. After completing this course, you will be able to decide how your library will use lending priorities and advanced lending workflows (verifying, retrieving, scanning, and packaging), and process lending requests for loans and copies in Can You Supply and Lending Priorities queues. This includes printing pull slips/packing slips with your call number, printing shipping labels for loan requests, and transmitting scanned copies via Article Exchange.

Thursday, June 19, 2025 Eastern Daylight Savings Time [UTC -4].

Cancellation policy In the event of low attendance, OCLC may cancel a training session. In this situation, registrants will be notified by email before the session.
Recordings A recording of this course will be posted following the live session. A previous recording can be found here.
Supplemental materials

Learner guide

After completing the course, please take a few moments to complete this brief survey.